• Egg timers
    with M. Day
    Bioessays 22 56-62. 1999.
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    Human infertility, reproductive cloning and nuclear transfer: a confusion of meanings
    with Jacek Z. Kubiak
    Bioessays 23 (4): 359-364. 2001.
    The Chief Medical Officer of Health of the United Kingdom has recommended that the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act should be amended to allow cloning in humans for research purposes only. He also recommended that: “The transfer of an embryo created by cell nuclear replacement into the uterus of a woman (so called ‘reproductive cloning’) should remain a criminal offence” (recommendation 7, Ref. 1). This recommendation implies that nuclear replacement and cloning are the same. They are…Read more
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    Commentary: Cloning humans?
    Bioessays 19 (8): 737-739. 1997.
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    Science and society: Should medical research be made a criminal act?
    with Peter R. Braude and Hester P. M. Pratt
    Bioessays 1 (5): 232-237. 1984.
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    A major obstacel to the study of mammalian development, and to the practical application of knowledge gained from it in the clinic during therapeutic in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer (IVF‐ET), is the propensity of embryos to become retarded or arrested during their culture in vitro. The precise developmental cell cycle in which embryos arrest or delay is characteristic for the species and coincides with the earliest period of embryonic gene expression. Much evidence reviewed here impli…Read more
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    The Developmental Basis of Identity
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4): 601-617. 2001.
    We are each the product of our development. The nature of the developmental process by which each of us was formed is described from gametogenesis to neonatality. The varied influences upon that process and their relative balance and patterns of interaction are then considered. In particular, the relative importance of epigenetic and genetic factors is discussed. It is concluded that development is a continuous process involving epigenetic/genetic interactions throughout. The contemporary emphas…Read more