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    Band-filling effects in the magnetic anisotropy of atomic thin layers of Co
    with S. Gallego, L. Szunyogh, and P. Weinberger
    Philosophical Magazine 88 (18-20): 2655-2665. 2008.
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    The text starts from Sen's conception of rationality as a social commitment and from his criticism of the economic rationality of utilitarianism, confronting them with the characteristics of implicit rationality in solidarity economic initiatives and sustainable development. These economic initiatives and Sen's ethical rationality are reflected in the following aspects: ethical evaluations of these solidarity initiatives, seeking to reduce social inequalities, the need for social commitment by t…Read more
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    Simulations of fast ion wall loads in ASDEX upgrade in the presence of magnetic perturbations due to ELM-mitigation coils
    with O. Asunta, S. Äkäslompolo, T. Kurki-Suonio, T. Koskela, S. Sipilä, and A. Snicker
    The effect of ASDEX Upgrade edge localized mode -mitigation coils on fast ion wall loads was studied with the fast particle following Monte Carlo code ASCOT. Neutral beam injected particles were simulated in two AUG discharges both in the presence and in the absence of the magnetic field perturbation induced by the eight newly installed in-vessel coils. In one of the discharges beams were applied individually, making it a useful basis for investigating the effect of the coils on different beams.…Read more
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    The purpose of the present dialogue is threefold: (a) Refining our previous interpretation of Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics through the 'Phenomenology' chapter of the 'Big Typescript'; (b) Examining the role of phenomenological and historical analysis in the contemporary debate surrounding the axioms of set theory; (c) Providing a brief interpretation of Kant's Architectonic as a general framework for such debate. The conclusion of the article, which add certain theological connotatio…Read more
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    Spatial potential ripples of azimuthal surface modes in topological insulator Bi 2 Te 3 nanowires
    with Y. Zhang, C. V. Manzano, Alvaro R., J. Gooth, M. Salmeron, and M. Martin-Gonzalez
    Topological insulators nanowires are an emerging class of structures, promising both novel quantum effects and potential applications in low-power electronics, thermoelectrics and spintronics. However, investigating the electronic states of TI NWs is complicated, due to their small lateral size, especially at room temperature. Here, we perform scanning probe based nanoscale imaging to resolve the local surface potential landscapes of Bi 2 Te 3 nanowires at 300 K. We found equipotential rings aro…Read more
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    In this brief paper we wish to summarize the core points of what we have called `Gödel's phenomenological program'. We claim that some of these require the same amount of attention as those other aspects from Gödel's program that have been exhaustively treated in the contemporary discussions around the status of CH. Finally, from this phenomenological standpoint, we make some remarks regarding concrete proposals for achieving the so-called `dream solution' of CH.
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    In this paper we analyze object-talk, some of its uses and misuses, more closely. Our main claim is that object-talk should be understood in the context of faith instead of that of rational argumentation. Hence, object-talk is compared with God-talk and the way of understanding the so-called 'abstract entities' from logic and mathematics turns out to be essentially linked with how the contact with the Divine is conceived. Moreover, we discuss the particular case of the independence phenomenon an…Read more
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    In this brief note we will continue with the exploration of Gödel's phenomenological program. We intend to provide a positive account of such program by means of an intentional reading of the context principle.
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    Putnam and Finkelstein can be read as providing an answer to Kripke's skeptical argument by appealing to the way mathematics is commonly pursued. Nowadays, the debate surrounding pluralism has questioned the postulation of a unique way of developing mathematical activity. In this paper, we wish to reformulate Kripke's argument as a challenge for the conjunction of 'ifthenism' and a reasonable form of pluralism and, at the same time, propose a reading of some passages of the 'Philosophical Invest…Read more