26Gaining human ethics approval: a strategy for refining research studiesMonash Bioethics Review 27 (3). 2008.We argue that developing a human ethics application is an effective method for refining the intent and design of research studies. Our study aimed to investigate the delivery of end-of-life and palliative care nursing to residents of an aged care unit in a Multi-purpose Service/centre in rural Victoria. We used the ethics application process as a strategy to focus the study, and to refine the data collection and analysis techniques. It is our contention that the process of completing the applica…Read more
Building knowledge partnerships with ICT? : social and technological conditions of convivialityIn Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society, Greenleaf. 2006.
25Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew ProseJournal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3): 497. 1992.
19Semitic *mgn and Its Supposed Sanskrit OriginJournal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1): 25-32. 1989.
18The Idea of Biblical Poetry: Parallelism and Its HistoryJournal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2): 478. 1983.
49The Onomastic Evidence for Bronze-Age West SemiticJournal of the American Oriental Society 124 (3): 439-470. 2004.
6BACKGROUND: South Africa has the highest prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the world yet many women have no access to clinic care or to physicians in their communities. The shortage of physicians trained in the diagnosis of FASD is even more severe. Thus there is a need to train community workers to assist in the delivery of health care.OBJECTIVES: This study reports on the effectiveness of training community workers to screen for a possible diagnosis of a FASD.METHODS: Community…Read more
4Debugging is often the most time consuming part of software development. HPC applications prolong the debugging process by adding more processes interacting in dynamic ways for longer periods of time. Checkpoint/restart- enabled parallel debugging returns the developer to an intermediate state closer to the bug. This focuses the debugging process, saving developers considerable amounts of time, but requires parallel debuggers cooperating with MPI implementations and checkpointers. This paper pre…Read more
61Overcoming the ontology enrichment bottleneck with Quick Term TemplatesApplied ontology 6 (1): 13-22. 2011.
23What is the Value of Rangitoto Island?Environmental Values 3 (4): 369-380. 1994.Contingent Valuation has been promoted as a catch-all approach to environmental valuation. While there have been numerous attempts in recent years to place monetary values on environmental amenities, studies have often reported a high frequency of protest, zero or inordinately large dollar-value responses. This paper reports on the results of a survey designed to obtain information on how people actually interpret questions of paying to avoid changes in their views of Rangitoto Island. Evidence …Read more
21Valuing Fish in Aotearoa: The Treaty, the Market, and the Intrinsic Value of the TroutEnvironmental Values 3 (3): 245-265. 1994.New Zealand fisheries management reforms are being conducted in terms of 'balancing' of interests and reconciliation of conflicting claims over ownership and use. Fisheries legislation seeks efficient levels of fishing effort, while establishing 'environmental bottom lines' for stock conservation; resource management law requires, alongside efficiency of resource use, consideration for species diversity and 'the intrinsic values of ecosystems' ; and the Treaty of Waitangi safeguards customary pr…Read more
32Building context in everyday lifeFoundations of Science 7 (4): 367-392. 2002.Social context is generally thought toinfluence how humans act. Here we argue thathumans rarely accept the context as it isgiven, but rather undertake conscious actionsto make it favourable. The example chosen isfrom northern Cameroon, where nomad herdsmeninduce the sedentary farmers to trust them, bydifferent means: creation of interpersonallinks, exhibition of good behaviours byrespecting certain norms. Trust is consideredas an element of the context, necessary forthem to perform acts that pre…Read more