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    Science and Math Interest and Gender Stereotypes: The Role of Educator Gender in Informal Science Learning Sites
    with Luke McGuire, Tina Monzavi, Adam J. Hoffman, Fidelia Law, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Adam Rutland, Karen P. Burns, Laurence Butler, Marc Drews, Grace E. Fields, and Kelly Lynn Mulvey
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.
    Interest in science and math plays an important role in encouraging STEM motivation and career aspirations. This interest decreases for girls between late childhood and adolescence. Relatedly, positive mentoring experiences with female teachers can protect girls against losing interest. The present study examines whether visitors to informal science learning sites differ in their expressed science and math interest, as well as their science and math stereotypes following an interaction with eith…Read more
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    School and Teacher Factors That Promote Adolescents’ Bystander Responses to Social Exclusion
    with Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Seçil Gönültaş, Greysi Irdam, Ryan G. Carlson, and Christine DiStefano
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2021.
    Schools may be one important context where adolescents learn and shape the behaviors necessary for promoting global inclusivity in adulthood. Given the importance of bystanders in halting bullying and peer aggression, the focus of this study is on both moral judgments regarding one type of bullying, social exclusion, and factors that are associated with bystander intervention. The study includes 896 adolescents, who were 6th, and 9th graders, approximately evenly divided by gender. Participants …Read more