My Survey Responses
Survey Prompt | Response |
A priori knowledge | Lean towards: no |
Abortion | Accept: permissible |
Abstract objects | Lean towards: nominalism |
Aesthetic value | Accept: subjective |
Aim of philosophy |
Accept a combination of answers:
Analysis of knowledge | Accept: justified true belief |
Analytic-synthetic distinction | Accept: no |
Arguments for theism |
Accept a combination of answers:
Belief or credence | Agnostic/undecided |
Capital punishment | Accept: impermissible |
Causation | Skipped |
Concepts | Lean towards: empiricism |
Cosmological fine-tuning | Skipped |
Eating animals and animal products | Accept: veganism (no and no) |
Epistemic justification | Lean towards: externalism |
Experience machine | Accept: no |
External world | Lean towards: non-skeptical realism |
Footbridge | Accept: push |
Free will | Agnostic/undecided |
Gender | Accept: social |
Gender categories | Accept: revise |
God | Accept: theism |
Hard problem of consciousness | Lean towards: no |
Human genetic engineering | Lean towards: impermissible |
Justification | Lean towards: reliabilism |
Knowledge | Lean towards: empiricism |
Knowledge claims | Lean towards: contextualism |
Law | Skipped |
Laws of nature | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Logic | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Meaning of life | Agnostic/undecided |
Mental content | Agnostic/undecided |
Meta-ethics | Lean towards: moral realism |
Metaphilosophy | Accept: naturalism |
Method in history of philosophy | Skipped |
Method in political philosophy | Agnostic/undecided |
Mind | Lean towards: physicalism |
Moral judgment | Agnostic/undecided |
Moral motivation | Lean towards: internalism |
Moral principles | Lean towards: moral generalism |
Morality | Lean towards: constructivism |
Newcomb's problem | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Normative concepts | Lean towards: value |
Normative ethics | Other |
Other minds |
Accept a combination of answers:
Ought implies can | Lean towards: yes |
Perceptual experience | Agnostic/undecided |
Personal identity | The question is too unclear to answer |
Philosophical knowledge | Lean towards: a lot |
Philosophical methods |
Accept a combination of answers:
Philosophical progress | Accept: a lot |
Plato | Accept: knowledge also of concrete things |
Political philosophy | Lean towards: egalitarianism |
Politics | Accept: socialism |
Possible worlds | Lean towards: concrete |
Practical reason | Lean towards: Humean |
Principle of sufficient reason | Skipped |
Proper names | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Properties | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Propositional attitudes | Skipped |
Race | Accept: social |
Race categories | Accept: revise |
Response to external-world skepticism | Skipped |
Science | Lean towards: scientific realism |
Spacetime | Accept: relationism |
Statue and lump | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Teletransporter | Agnostic/undecided |
Temporal ontology | Skipped |
Theory of reference | Lean towards: causal |
Time | Insufficiently familiar with the issue |
Trolley problem | Accept: switch |
Truth | Accept: epistemic |
Units of selection | Skipped |
Vagueness | Accept: epistemic |
Values in science | Skipped |
Zombies | Accept: inconceivable |