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    Appropriation and commercialization of the Pasteur anthrax vaccine
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (4): 722-742. 2005.
    Whereas Pasteur patented the biotechnological processes that he invented between 1857 and 1873 in the agro-food domain, he did not file any patents on the artificial vaccine preparation processes that he subsequently developed. This absence of patents can probably be explained by the 1844 patent law in France that established the non-patentable status of pharmaceutical preparations and remedies, including those for use in veterinary medicine. Despite the absence of patents, the commercial exploi…Read more
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    Access to Medicines in Developing Countries: Ethical Demands and Moral Economy
    with Marilena Correa
    Developing World Bioethics 14 (2). 2014.
    The global health crisis in non‐communicable diseases reveals a deep global health inequity that lies at the heart of global justice concerns. Mirroring the HIV/AIDS epidemic, NCDs bring into stark relief once more the human consequences of trade policies that reinforce global inequities in treatment access. Recognising distributive justice issues in access to medicines for their populations, World Trade Organisation members confirmed the primacy of access to medicines for all in trade and publi…Read more
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    Gadgets : the Religion of Objects in a Comprehensively Administered Society The fall-out from commodity violence is evident in the current status of gadgets, here considered as an ideal-type. The article therefore puts forward an analysis of four instances of gadgetised subjectivity, whose interpenetrations can be located in the categorical architecture of the « new » and the « post ». The task of a psychodynamics of gadgets would therefore involve an unravelling of the links between dead object…Read more
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    Capitalism’s Expansion into the Realm of the Biosphere. The extension of the rule of industrial property over living organisms and their components – genes and cells, both human and non-human – since the end of the 1970s, has gone along with the emergence of new markets in science, biotechnology and in health. The article argues that the filing of patents to protect private claims on living matter is a development which promotes the establishment of a monopoly control over inventions in the fiel…Read more
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    ArgumentWhen Pasteur and Chamberland hastily set up their small biological industry to meet the agricultural demand for the anthrax vaccine, their methods for preparation and production had not yet been stabilized. The process of learning how to standardize biological products was accelerated in 1882 when vaccination accidents required the revision of production norms as the first hypotheses on fixity, inalterability, and transportability of vaccines were invalidated and replaced by procedures f…Read more