82The definition of life has been one of the greatest philosophical questions of mankind. In recent years, this debate had intensified due to the discovery of naturally occurring biological entities, such as viruses and prions, which lie at the boundary of what we consider as living. “Are viruses alive?” has turned out to be the largest vote swinging debate in an introductory course to microbiology [1], with 79% of the students changing their opinions before and after the debate compared to geneti…Read more
88Higher Level Intelligence in MachinesHuman-Level Intelligence 2 2. 2011.here has been a large number of studies in neurological sciences on how human brain works, especially in reading and parallel information processing. So I think this statement is really sweeping. Perhaps it is better to knowledge the abilities of human brains and to comment on the limitations of the human brain. The book “Adapt” by Tim Hartford advocates micro-step changes. An important aspect in this area is to understand the processes involved behind the scenes so that it gives us a better for…Read more
113Re-creating the Philosopher’s Mind: Artificial Life from Artificial IntelligenceHuman-Level Intelligence 2 1. 2012.The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence (AI) research is to create a system with human level intelligence. Many researchers conceded that human-like interaction in a social context to be critical for human-like intelligence to emerge. Artificial life (AL) is a branch of AI to simulate the process of evolution and interaction in natural world using multi-agent systems. This suggests that AL may be a channel towards human level intelligence.
University of MelbourneRegular Faculty
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Biology |
Philosophy of Computing and Information |
Asian Philosophy |