46The Editio Minor of Plotinus Paul Henry and Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer: Plotini Opera, Tomus II, Enneades IV–V. (Oxford Classical Texts.) Pp. xxxvi + 302. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. Cloth, £7·50 (review)The Classical Review 29 (01): 24-25. 1979.
43Plotinus - W. Helleman-Elgersma: Soul-Sisters. A Commentary on Enneads IV 3 , 1–8 of Plotinus. Pp. 485. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1980. Paper, fl. 90. - Janine Bertier, Luc Brisson, Annick Charles, Jean Pépin, H.-D. Saffrey, A.-Ph. Segonds: Plotin, Traité Sur les Nombres . Introduction, Texte Grec, Traduction, Commentaire et Index Grec. Pp. 227. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1980. Paper (review)The Classical Review 32 (1): 23-25. 1982.
28Taking Dworkin seriouslyAustralasian Journal of Philosophy 61 (1). 1983.This Article does not have an abstract
19A. H. Armstrong: Plotinus: with an English Translation. Vols. VI (Ennead VI. 1–5) and VII (Ennead VI. 6–9). (Loeb Classical Library.) 2 vols. Pp. x + 359; x + 345. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: Heinemann, 1988. £9.50 per volume (review)The Classical Review 39 (2): 389-389. 1989.
16Structures hiérarchiques dans la pensée de Plotin. Étude historique et interprétative (review)The Classical Review 28 (2): 363-364. 1978.
15Plotinus Ennead V.8 (On Intelligible Beauty), edited by Smith, AInternational Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (1): 91-92. 2019.
12Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotins (review)The Classical Review 31 (2): 302-303. 1981.
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