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    Who Discovered the Binary System and Arithmetic? Did Leibniz Plagiarize Caramuel?
    with J. Ares, J. Lara, and D. Lizcano
    Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1): 173-188. 2018.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is the self-proclaimed inventor of the binary system and is considered as such by most historians of mathematics and/or mathematicians. Really though, we owe the groundwork of today’s computing not to Leibniz but to the Englishman Thomas Harriot and the Spaniard Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz, whom Leibniz plagiarized. This plagiarism has been identified on the basis of several facts: Caramuel’s work on the binary system is earlier than Leibniz’s, Leibniz was acquainted—bot…Read more
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    El yo ejecutivo o la afirmación de lo biográfico
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276): 373. 2017.
    La idea de «naturaleza humana» que Ortega y Gasset defiende es tan novedosa como opuesta a lo que habitualmente se entiende. Estamos en un error si el punto de partida es concebir al hombre como un ser vivo entre otros. Ni la ciencia ni la filosofía, mientras se mantenga en la tradición eleática, pueden dar una explicación clara. La ciencia, porque si contemplamos al hombre, tal y como se nos presenta, es imposible distinguir en él lo material de lo espiritual, su cuerpo y su psique. La filosofí…Read more
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    Dios, Horizonte del hombre; Juan De Sahagun Lucas (review)
    Mayéutica 20 (49): 216-216. 1994.
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    You May Have My Help but Not Necessarily My Care: The Effect of Social Class and Empathy on Prosociality
    with Gloria Jiménez-Moya, Bernadette Paula Luengo Kanacri, Patricio Cumsille, and Christian Berger
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.
    Previous research has focused on the relation between social class and prosocial behavior. However, this relation is yet unclear. In this work, we shed light on this issue by considering the effect of the level of empathy and the social class of the recipient of help on two types of prosociality, namely helping and caring. In one experimental study, we found that for high-class participants, empathy had a positive effect on helping, regardless of the recipient’s social class. However, empathy ha…Read more
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    The Third Construct of the Universe: Information
    with C. Barreiro, Jose M. Barreiro, J. A. Lara, D. Lizcano, and J. Pazos
    Foundations of Science 25 (2): 425-440. 2020.
    Very few scientists today question the fact that information, together with matter and energy, is one of the three constructs forming the ontology of the universe. However, there is still a long way to go before in order to establish the interrelations between information and energy and information and matter, as Einstein did between matter and energy. In this paper, after introducing the energy, matter, information model, which covers the three constructs and their relationships, we illustrate …Read more