I work mostly on the history of ethics. Currently, I am working on a long-term project on Stoic ethics, examining its influence on Kant and contemporary ethical thought. My previous work on Kant takes up various areas of his thought: his ethics and moral psychology; his contributions to the logical humanist tradition; his aesthetics and theory of the sublime; his philosophical methodology; and his conception of the essentially reflective nature of the rational mind.
APA Eastern Division
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Areas of Specialization
Immanuel Kant |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
Stoics: Ethics |
History of Western Philosophy |
Areas of Interest
1 more
Philosophy of Action |
Aesthetics |
Meta-Ethics |
Normative Ethics |
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
PhilPapers Editorships
Kant: Aesthetics |