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    American Philosophical Association Member Interview: Michael Broz
    American Philosophical Association Member Interviews. 2023.
  • Borders, Phenomenology, and Politics: A Conversation with Edward S. Casey
    Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies. forthcoming.
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    Social Art: The Work of Art in Capitalism
    Polish Journal of Aesthetics 67 (4): 27-42. 2024.
    While not considered the focus of Marx, aesthetics, and art have become a project of Marxism. But understanding art in a Marxist world requires taking Marx’s philosophy and understanding how art behaves in capitalism. I transplant the artwork to a Marxist analysis by investigating art as described by Heidegger, Dufrenne, and Merleau-Ponty, how art relates to the idea of the commodity in Marx, culture in Deleuze, and art in modern capitalism through Marcuse.
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    “We are experiencing an ecological and social crisis, driven by exponential capital accumulation, whose end result will be the extinction of human civilisation” (p. 18). While it is easy to shrug off such a dramatic claim, in Alienation, Spectacle, & Revolution: A Critical Marxist Essay, Neil Faulkner takes this relatively strong claim and endeavors to demonstrate its truth. Thus begins his project of updating our understanding of alienation—not an easy task, but one that Faulkner does well. In …Read more
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    Review of Rob Bryer, Accounting for Value in Marx’s Capital: The Invisible Hand (review)
    Analecta Hermeneutica 12 (1): 1-7. 2020.
    Marxism has found its home in the academic world in various disciplines: economics, philosophy, sociology, and political science. An under-appreciated area is Marxist accounting. At first, this seems like a rather strange field in which to develop the theories of Marxism, but Rob Bryer, in his book Accounting for Value in Marx’s Capital: The Invisible Hand, has brought attention to Marxist accounting and its necessity for understanding Marxist theory. This is relevant not only to those who study…Read more