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    Nihilism, Thought and Personhood: An Ontological Study
    Dissertation, Syracuse University. 1990.
    I consider the answer to the question "Under what conditions do objects add up to or compose something?" Any causal answer falls prey to concerns of vagueness: for any physical relationship R that holds between objects, there will be vague instances of R. These answers will be open to all the problems that accompany any account of vague identity. I reject these causal answers and argue that the right theory of composition must be one of the non-causal theories: Universalism and Nihilism. ;Univer…Read more
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    The Officeholder View of Personal Identity
    The Personalist Forum 15 (2): 389-403. 1999.
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    Probabilities and temporal parts
    Acta Analytica 17 (1): 39-52. 2002.
    Adopting temporal parts theory is the most popular way of addressing a host of puzzles about diachronic identity. For example, it is not obvious how I am the same person as the baby who shared my name. With the theory, sameness of person, e.g., consists in being comprised by the same temporally extended, four-dimensional object. However, temporal parts theory has unacceptable consequences for notions of freedom and probability. I show that the only acceptable reading of four-dimensionalism entai…Read more
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    Can Bad Men Make Good Brains Do Bad Things?
    Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (3). 1988.
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    Full-time objections to part-time objects
    Philosophical Papers 20 (3): 173-181. 1991.
    No abstract
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    The cartoon introduction to philosophy
    Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2015.
    An illustrated introduction to the major subjects of Western philosophy, guided by Heraclitus.
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    Donskis, Leonidas. The End of Ideology and Utopia? Imagination and Cultural Criticism in the Twentieth Century (review)
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (1-2): 189-190. 2002.