10Idealismus und Romantik in Jena: Figuren und Konzepte zwischen 1794 und 1807 (edited book)Wilhelm Fink, Brill Deutschland. 2018.Der Band "Idealismus und Romantik in Jena" nimmt die Jenaer Blütezeit zwischen 1794 und 1807 in den Blick und interpretiert sie als ein Neben- und Gegeneinander der beiden einflussreichsten Geistesströmungen um 1800. In Jena entstehen zwischen 1794 und 1807 zwei geistesgeschichtliche Strömungen von Weltgeltung: der Idealismus und die Romantik. Die rasante Entwicklung immer neuer Ideen ist durch eine beträchtliche Anzahl junger, kreativer Geister geprägt, die in fruchtbarem Austausch und gegensei…Read more
178HermeneuticsIn Brian Leiter & Michael Rosen (eds.), The Oxford handbook of continental philosophy, Oxford University Press. 2007.For the purpose of this article, "hermeneutics" means the theory of interpretation, i.e. the theory of achieving an understanding of texts, utterances, and so on (it does not mean a certain twentieth-century philosophical movement). Hermeneutics in this sense has a long history, reaching back at least as far as ancient Greece. However, new focus was brought to bear on it in the modern period, in the wake of the Reformation with its displacement of responsibility for interpreting the Bible from t…Read more
26The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought (edited book)Springer Verlag. 2021.This volume is a comprehensive Handbook of Russian thought that provides an in-depth survey of major figures, currents, and developments in Russian intellectual history, spanning the period from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. Written by a group of distinguished scholars as well as some younger ones from Russia, Europe, the United States, and Canada, this Handbook reconstructs a vibrant picture of the intellectual and cultural life in Russia and the Soviet Union during…Read more
5Wittgenstein on family resemblance conceptsIn Arif Ahmed (ed.), Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press. 2010.
177HermeneuticsIn Brian Leiter & Michael Rosen (eds.), The Oxford handbook of continental philosophy, Oxford University Press. 2007.For the purpose of this article, "hermeneutics" means the theory of interpretation, i.e. the theory of achieving an understanding of texts, utterances, and so on (it does not mean a certain twentieth-century philosophical movement). Hermeneutics in this sense has a long history, reaching back at least as far as ancient Greece. However, new focus was brought to bear on it in the modern period, in the wake of the Reformation with its displacement of responsibility for interpreting the Bible from t…Read more
35The Philosophy of Translation, the Translation of Philosophy, and ChineseJournal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (3): 219-224. 2023.
25Foreignizing Translation and ChineseJournal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (3): 225-242. 2023.This article explains a new ‘foreignizing’ approach to translation that was invented in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, especially by Herder and Schleiermacher, and that has since become the predominant approach in translation theory. The article argues that despite the great virtues of this approach, it was based on an unduly narrow restriction to Indo-European languages, which leaves considerable room for further improvement. Greater attention to Hebrew has since made up this deficit t…Read more
28Romantic Hermeneutics and Its Impact in the Long Nineteenth CenturyIn Christian Berner, Sarah Schmidt, Brent W. Sockness & Denis Thouard (eds.), Kommunikation in Philosophie, Religion und Gesellschaft: Akten des InternationalenSchleiermacher-Kongresses 25.–29. Mai 2021, De Gruyter. pp. 81-118. 2023.
18The Cambridge Companion to Hermeneutics (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 2018.Hermeneutics, the study of interpretation, is an essential and valuable branch of philosophy. Hermeneutics is also a central component of the methodology of the social sciences and the humanities, for example historiography, anthropology, art history, and literary criticism. In a sequence of accessible chapters, contributors across the human sciences explain the leading concepts and ideas of hermeneutics, the historical development of the field, the importance of hermeneutics in philosophy today…Read more
243Genealogy and MoralityAmerican Dialectic 1 (3): 346-369. 2011.In a previous article in this journal, “Genealogy,” I offered a sort of “genealogy of genealogy,” an account of the method’s development, according to which it mainly grew, not from English or French antecedents, but out of a German tradition that began with Herder and then continued with Hegel before eventually culminating in Nietzsche himself. [...] Presupposing this account of the method of genealogy, the present article will consider the method in relation to one of its most important areas …Read more
303GenealogyAmerican Dialectic 1 (2): 230-250. 2011.Nietzsche and Foucault famously employ a philosophical method of “genealogy” and apply it to the realm of morality in particular. In this article I would like to do two main things: I will begin by offering a contribution toward a sort of “genealogy of genealogy,” that is, toward an account of how the method emerged historically. I will then give an explanation of how the method is supposed to work. In a subsequent, companion article in this journal, “Genealogy and Morality,” I will discuss the …Read more
174Oxford Handbook of German Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2015.This volume constitutes the first collective critical study of German philosophy in the nineteenth century. A team of leading experts explore the influential figures associated with the period--including Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Frege--and provide fresh accounts of the philosophical movements and key debates with which they engaged
18The Autonomy of GrammarIn Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein, Wiley-blackwell. 2017.Ludwig Wittgenstein in his later works often implies commitment to a doctrine of the autonomy or arbitrariness of grammar. This chapter discusses the conception of grammar that is presupposed in this doctrine and then explains the doctrine itself. The chapter also explains a sense in which grammar is not autonomous or arbitrary for Wittgenstein and discusses some possible criticisms of the doctrine. It should be noted at the outset that this whole area of exegetical concern is one in which the f…Read more
99Hegel and SkepticismHarvard University Press. 1989.Forster demonstrates that Hegel did not in fact ignore epistemology, but on the contrary he fought a tireless and subtle campaign to defeat the threat of skepticism. Forster's work should dispel once and for all the view that Hegel was naive or careless in epistemological matters. Along the way, Forster makes much that has hither to remained obscure in Hegel's texts intelligible for the first time.
25Does Every Genuine Philosophy Have a Skeptical Side?Review of Metaphysics 75 (2): 219-264. 2021.
7Die Aktualität der Romantik (edited book)Lit. 2012.Welche Denkanstöße kann die Romantik für heutige Debatten in den Wissenschaften und speziell in der Philosophie vermitteln?Was heißt frühromantisches Denken?In welchem Verhältnis stehen Romantik und Deutscher Idealismus zueinander? In welcher Hinsicht kann von der Aktualität der Romantik gesprochen werden? -
20Practical Philosophy West and EastJournal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (4): 327-341. 2022.This article offers a broad-ranging comparison of practical philosophy in the West and in China with a view to enabling not only better mutual understanding between the two sides but also better self-understanding on each side. Contrary to widespread Western conceptions that Chinese practical philosophy may have contributed some important principles in first-order morality but has contributed little in the area of meta-ethics as compared to the West, it is argued here that Chinese practical phil…Read more
1Free will in antiquity and in KantIn Christian Krijnen (ed.), Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective, Brill. 2018.
The origin and character of Hegel's concept of spiritIn Marina F. Bykova (ed.), Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit: A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press. 2019.
11Russian Thought and Russian ThinkersIn Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster & Lina Steiner (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought, Springer Verlag. pp. 777-787. 2021.The Afterword reevaluates Isaiah Berlin’s highly influential collection of essays, Russian Thinkers, and suggests that some of Berlin’s views are either somewhat dated or tendentious. It sketches out a new vision of the Russian intellectual tradition as perceived from the twenty-first-century Anglophone perspective.
10CritiqueIn Ludger Kühnhardt & Tilman Mayer (eds.), The Bonn Handbook of Globality: Volume 1, Springer Verlag. pp. 363-373. 2019.The modern concept of critique was originally formed mainly by Kant but was subsequently taken over and modified by the tradition of Hegel, Marx, and the Frankfurt School. This article considers Kant’s concept of critique in some detail, including his historical and autobiographical conception that metaphysics passes from dogmatism to skepticism to critique. It also sketches the modification of the concept by Hegel, Marx, and the Frankfurt School into one of social critique, a theory of social i…Read more
23Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of GrammarPrinceton University Press. 2005.What is the nature of a conceptual scheme? Are there alternative conceptual schemes? If so, are some more justifiable or correct than others? The later Wittgenstein already addresses these fundamental philosophical questions under the general rubric of "grammar" and the question of its "arbitrariness"--and does so with great subtlety. This book explores Wittgenstein's views on these questions. Part I interprets his conception of grammar as a generalized version of Kant's transcendental idealist …Read more
38Introduction: Problems Of Rationality in A Comparative PerspectiveJournal of Chinese Philosophy 44 (1-2): 5-9. 2017.
24Herder's PhilosophyOxford University Press. 2018.Johann Gottfried Herder is a towering figure in modern thought, but one who has hitherto been severely underappreciated. Michael Forster seeks to rectify that situation by exploring the full range of his ideas, and showing their enormous impact in philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, and comparative literature.
58Forms of Reasoning in Western and Chinese PhilosophyJournal of Chinese Philosophy 44 (1-2): 10-32. 2017.I would like in this article to make some tentative comparative observations about several sorts of reasoning in Western and Chinese philosophy. I try to say something about three important forms of reasoning: logic, skepticism, and practical reason. In each of these cases one can find strands of Chinese philosophy that are strikingly similar to counterparts in Western philosophy. And while in two of the cases in question the strands involved are less common and less fully developed than their W…Read more
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