After 25+ years of teaching philosophy in the US, I have held chairs in other subjects for another 30+ years: education at Berkeley and the U of Western Australia, evaluation at Auckland University, and psychology at present (some concurrent with philosophy positions and/or research, consulting, or management appointments).
Co-founder of what now amounts to a new discipline--evaluation, which includes the professional process of determining the merit, worth, or value of X, where the traditional Xs are: programs, products, personnel, policies, performances, portfolios, proposals, to which I have added the evaluation of evaluations (called me…
After 25+ years of teaching philosophy in the US, I have held chairs in other subjects for another 30+ years: education at Berkeley and the U of Western Australia, evaluation at Auckland University, and psychology at present (some concurrent with philosophy positions and/or research, consulting, or management appointments).
Co-founder of what now amounts to a new discipline--evaluation, which includes the professional process of determining the merit, worth, or value of X, where the traditional Xs are: programs, products, personnel, policies, performances, portfolios, proposals, to which I have added the evaluation of evaluations (called meta-evaluation), and intradisciplinary evaluation e.g., of data or methods or theories in science or history. Also have a strong interest in informal logic and critical thinking, and meta-ethics, both of which I take to overlap with evaluation.
Co-founder and ex-president of the American Evaluation Association, which now has over 6,000 members, over 2,000 at its annual meeting; ex-president of the American Educational Research Association, Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Social Sciences, and of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Whitehead Fellow at Harvard, etc. 400+ publications, currently editor of an online journal that I founded (, and still on some of the 43 editorial boards I have served over the years.
And a proud member of the Frisbee Hall of Fame.