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    Cutaneous Mycobacterium chelonae in a 95-year-old woman
    with Danielle Neal and Sarah Taylor
    We present an interesting case of cutaneousMycobacterium chelonae in a 95-year-old woman.The lesion in question was localized to her rightarm; subsequent biopsy and culture studies wereconsistent with a mycobacterial infection. Historically,these infections are treated based on the immunologicstate of the patient. In this case, taking into accountthe age of our otherwise immunocompetent patient,a course of oral antibiotics was initiated. The patientwas unable to tolerate any oral regimens for lo…Read more
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    Illegal Immigration and Moral Obligation
    Public Affairs Quarterly 22 (1): 29-41. 2008.
  • Rationality and the Ideology of Disconnection
    Cambridge University Press. 2006.
    A powerful and provocative critique of the foundations of Rational Choice theory and the economic way of thinking about the world, written by a former leading practitioner. The target is a dehumanizing ideology that cannot properly recognize that normal people have attachments and commitments to other people and to practices, projects, principles, and places, which provide them with desire-independent reasons for action, and that they are reflective creatures who think about what they are and wh…Read more