Michalle Gal

Shenkar College
  •  902
    The paper analyzes the visual aspect of metaphors, offering a new theory of metaphor that characterizes its syntactic structure, material composition and visuality as its essence. It will accordingly present the metaphorical creating or transfiguring, as well as conceiving or understanding, of one thing as a different one, as a visual ability. It is a predication by means of producing non-conventional compositions – i.e., by compositional, or even aesthetic, means. This definition is aimed to ap…Read more
  •  780
    This chapter presents the formalist account of the moral status of an artwork as an aesthetically significant and autonomous form, with due emphasis on the Anglo-American art-for-art’s-sake aesthetic, as it developed between 1870 and 1960. The author shows that the formalist art-is-above-morals approach is a substantive moral stance in itself. Formalist aesthetics is usually presented in the literature as evincing a purist indifference to ethics, construing moral properties as external to art, i…Read more
  •  485
    Review of The Philosophy of Design. Glenn Parsons, Polity Press, 2016 (review)
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2): 214-217. 2017.
  •  480
    The Inauguration of Formalism: Aestheticism and the Productive Opacity Principle
    Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 2 (24): 20-30. 2022.
    This essay presents the Aestheticism of the 19th century as the foundational movement of modernist-formalist aesthetics of the 20th century. The main principle of this movement is what I denominate “productive opacity”. Aestheticism has not been recognized as a philosophical aesthetic theory. However, its definition of artwork as an exclusive kind of form—a deep, opaque form—is among the most precise ever given in the discipline. This essay offers an interpretation of aestheticism as a formalist…Read more
  •  445
    Human Flourishing, Liberal Theory, and the Arts (review)
    British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2): 262-266. 2021.
    Human Flourishing, Liberal Theory, and the ArtsMAUTNERMENACHEM routledge. 2018. pp. 198. £125.
  •  406
    Review of Art and Form: From Roger Fry to Global Modernism by Sam Rose (review)
    Estetica European Journal of Aesthetics 57 183-188. 2020.
    In view of the current progress of what has been named the ‘visual turn’ or the ‘pictorial turn’,1 it is exciting to witness Sam Rose’s return to early aesthetic formalist-modernism, which was so passionate about the medium, its appearance, and visuality. Rose’s project shares a recent inclination to think anew the advent of aesthetic modernism.2 It is founded on the presumption that visual art ought to be – and actually has always been – theoretically subsumed under one meta-project. This meta-…Read more
  •  358
    Visual Hybrids and Nonconceptual Aesthetic Perception
    Poetics Today 44 (:4 ( December 2023)): 545-570. 2023.
    This essay characterizes the perception of the visual hybrid as nonconceptual, introducing the terminology of nonconceptual content theory to aesthetics. The visual hybrid possesses a radical but nonetheless exemplary aesthetic composition and is well established in culture, art, and even design. The essay supplies a philosophical analysis of the results of cross-cultural experiments, showing that while categorization or conceptual hierarchization kicks in when the visual hybrids are juxtaposed …Read more
  •  289
    Visuality of Metaphors
    Cognitive Linguistic Study 7 (1). 2020.
    This paper proposes to define metaphor as a visual-material structure, the sphere of which is ontological rather than cognitive or conceptual. It argues that the essence of metaphor, as either an aesthetic or a communicative unit or both, resides in the qualitative dimension and appearance, or even materiality, of the metaphorical medium and its form. The paper thus offers a new theory of metaphor, focusing on the medium of metaphor, which composes and transfigures or reconstructs its target ane…Read more
  •  280
    This book offers a new definition of metaphor-as an ontological and visual construction, whose roots are external visual forms, and its motivation is our attachment to forms. This definition, which Michalle Gal names “visualist,” challenges the ruling conceptualist theory of metaphors and places a new emphasis on how we experience rather than understand metaphors. In doing so, she responds to the visual turn that is taking place in literature and the media, demanding that the visual become a sit…Read more
  •  275
    Danto and Dickie: Artworld and Institution
    In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto, Wiley. 2021.
    This chapter presents the meeting points and conflicts between Arthur Danto’s philosophy of art and George Dickie’s avowedly succeeding theory. Its focus is on the internalist-externalist debate on the ontology of the artwork as created and perceived within the artworld. It shows that both Danto and Dickie developed anti-formalist theories, that contributed to the demise of aesthetic modernism. Inverting the formalist distinction between internal and external properties of the artwork, they clas…Read more
  •  162
    Design and its Relations (edited book)
    Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. 2025.
    Design is an omnipresent, aesthetic-functional phenomenon, one that is culturally loaded and broadly influential. Since ancient times, design has played a crucial role in shaping both our intimate daily experiences and broader societal structures. It influences behavior, preferences, cultural norms and movements, political or personal identities, and economic systems. Today, design is not only a thriving field of practice but also an evolving area of academic inquiry, one that is becoming a self…Read more
  •  62
    This book offers, for the first time in aesthetics, a comprehensive account of aestheticism of the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century as a philosophical theory of its own right. Taking philosophical and art-historical viewpoints, this cross-disciplinary book presents aestheticism as the foundational movement of modernist aesthetics of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. Emerging in the writings of the foremost aestheticists - Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, James Whistler, and their formalist successors such as Clive …Read more
  •  61
    ntroduction to Design Theory introduces a comprehensive, systematic, and didactic outline of the discourse of design. Designed both as a course book and a source for research, this textbook methodically covers the central concepts of design theory, definitions of design, its historical milestones, and its relations to culture, industry, body, ecology, language, society, gender and ideology. Demonstrated by a shift towards the importance of the sociocultural context in which products are manufact…Read more
  •  43
    Contemporary philosophy can be characterized along the lines of a profound and vigorous debate between the prevalent ideas of 20th century philosophy’s linguistic–conceptualist age, on the one hand, and the re-emergent field of what we might call ‘visualist’ philosophy on the other hand, which is experiencing a revival within the framework of the current visual turn in philosophy. Thoughtful Images: Illustrating Philosophy through Art by Thomas E. Wartenberg stands at the intersection of these t…Read more
  • Design and Rationalism: A Visualist Critique of Instrumental Rationalism
    Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 48 (1): 75-85. 2025.
    This article presents a visualist theory of design that contrasts with the instrumental rationalism that dominates the philosophy of design. My critique of rationalism is based on two omnipresent and paradigmatic phenomena in design: the variety of forms for one single function and the variety of uses of one form. Instrumental rationalism defines design as a coherent line that runs from a rational goal to the proper means and proper use of an object. Therefore, this philosophy values design acco…Read more