496Avoiding reification: Heuristic effectiveness of mathematics and the prediction of the omega minus particleStudies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 53 20-27. 2016.According to Steiner (1998), in contemporary physics new important discoveries are often obtained by means of strategies which rely on purely formal mathematical considerations. In such discoveries, mathematics seems to have a peculiar and controversial role, which apparently cannot be accounted for by means of standard methodological criteria. M. Gell-Mann and Y. Ne׳eman׳s prediction of the Ω− particle is usually considered a typical example of application of this kind of strategy. According …Read more
71The Applicability of Mathematics and the Indispensability ArgumentsLato Sensu, Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 3 (1): 59-68. 2016.In this paper I will take into examination the relevance of the main indispensability arguments for the comprehension of the applicability of mathematics. I will conclude not only that none of these indispensability arguments are of any help for understanding mathematical applicability, but also that these arguments rather require a preliminary analysis of the problems raised by the applicability of mathematics in order to avoid some tricky difficulties in their formulations. As a consequence, w…Read more
62In Defense of Benacerraf’s Multiple-Reductions ArgumentPhilosophia Mathematica 27 (2): 276-288. 2019.I discuss Steinhart’s argument against Benacerraf’s famous multiple-reductions argument to the effect that numbers cannot be sets. Steinhart offers a mathematical argument according to which there is only one series of sets to which the natural numbers can be reduced, and thus attacks Benacerraf’s assumption that there are multiple reductions of numbers to sets. I will argue that Steinhart’s argument is problematic and should not be accepted.
29Applicability Problems GeneralizedIn John Baldwin (ed.), Truth, Existence and Explanation, Springer Verlag. pp. 209-224. 2018.In this paper, I will do preparatory work for a generalized account of applicability, that is, for an account which works for math-to-physics, math-to-math, and physics-to-math application. I am going to present and discuss some examples of these three kinds of application, and I will confront them in order to see whether it is possible to find analogies among them and whether they can be ultimately considered as instantiations of a unique pattern. I will argue that these analogies can be exploi…Read more
22The Unreasonable Effectiveness. The Philosophical Problem of the Applicability of MathematicsRivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2 (2): 26-40. 2011.In this article I will sketch a general introduction to the problem of the applicability of mathematics as it is conceived in contemporary philosophy of mathematics. After some brief considerations concerning the historical reason why this problem was dismissed by the philosophical analysis during the first half of 20th century, I will expound Wigner’s puzzle, and I will make some theoretical considerations about it. In particular, I will show that the problem of applicability is independent fro…Read more
Structure and ApplicabilityIn Giorgio Venturi, Marco Panza & Gabriele Lolli (eds.), From Logic to Practice: Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Springer International Publishing. 2014.
Scuola Normale SuperioreGraduate student
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