• El arkhé del transparadigma complejo
    Griot 24 (2): 62-77. 2024.
    Arkhé pronunciado Arjé o Arché es un concepto originario entre los filósofos pré-socráticos, connotados como fundamento principio o causa. En la complejidad como transparadigma, ese fundamento se ancla en primer lugar a la significancia Dulseniana del prefijo trans que inmersiona en una indagación transmetódica decolonial planetaria-compleja para sustentar el arkhé del transparadigma complejo; con alta relevación de la obra Moríniana. Recorremos los momentos analíticos, empíricos y propositivos …Read more
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    Under the intentionality that leads to promoting the liberation of the oppressed in global coloniality, considering planetary decoloniality as the urgency of complexity as transmethod, in the present investigation from rhizomatic deconstruction as a transmethod, the properties of rhizomes are analyzed as the essence of planetary-complex decolonial investigations; That is the complex objective of the investigation. It is framed in the lines of research: education-transcomplex transepistemologies …Read more
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    Asumiendo que la decolonialidad planetaria es apodíctica de la complejidad y de la transdisciplinariedad, bajo rupturas asignificantes, en condiciones abiertas para conformar al ser humano a pensar complejamente, sustentamos transepistemes devinientes de las rupturas asignificantes de la decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad como objetivo complejo de indagación; en _las líneas de investigación_: educación-transepistemologías transcomplejas, Decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad en re-ligaje y tr…Read more
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    Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processe…Read more
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    Se usa la hermenéutica comprensiva, diatópica y ecosófica como transmétodo de construcción teórica para sustentar la con-formación de los investigadores educativos venezolanos desde la tríada transdisciplinariedad-ecosofía-antropoética, como retos urgentes en Venezuela. Existen problemáticas profundas en el accionar del ciudadano que se conforma en la educación universitaria, ya que el ser humano, en su parcelación del conocimiento, ha olvidado que somos seres biológicos, psíquicos, espirituales…Read more
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    Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processe…Read more
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    The logic of imaginary scenarios
    with Joan Casas-Roma and Antonia Huertas
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3): 363-388. 2020.
    Imagining is something we use everyday in our lives and in a wide variety of ways. In spite of the amount of works devoted to its study from both psychology and philosophy, there are only a few formal systems capable of modelling it; besides, almost all of those systems are static, in the sense that their models are initially predefined, and they fail to capture the dynamic process behind the creation of new imaginary scenarios. In this work, we review some influential theories of imagination an…Read more
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    Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processe…Read more
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    A Common Frame for Formal Imagination
    with Joan Casas-Roma and Antonia Huertas
    Minds and Machines 29 (4): 603-634. 2019.
    In this paper, we review three influential theories of imagination in order to understand how the dynamics of imagination acts could be modeled using formal languages. While reviewing them, we notice that they are not detailed enough to account for all the mechanisms involved in creating and developing imaginary worlds. We claim those theories could be further refined into what we call the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, which defines a framework that can be used to study the dynamics of imag…Read more
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    A Common Frame for Formal Imagination
    with Joan Casas-Roma and Antonia Huertas
    Minds and Machines 29 (4): 603-634. 2019.
    In this paper, we review three influential theories of imagination in order to understand how the dynamics of imagination acts could be modeled using formal languages. While reviewing them, we notice that they are not detailed enough to account for all the mechanisms involved in creating and developing imaginary worlds. We claim those theories could be further refined into what we call the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, which defines a framework that can be used to study the dynamics of imag…Read more
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    A Common Frame for Formal Imagination
    with Joan Casas-Roma and Antonia Huertas
    Minds and Machines 29 (4): 603-634. 2019.
    In this paper, we review three influential theories of imagination in order to understand how the dynamics of imagination acts could be modeled using formal languages. While reviewing them, we notice that they are not detailed enough to account for all the mechanisms involved in creating and developing imaginary worlds. We claim those theories could be further refined into what we call the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, which defines a framework that can be used to study the dynamics of imag…Read more