7Sleep, Death, Others: Three Limit-Phenomena in Husserl’s C-ManuscriptsDiscipline Filosofiche 33 (2): 139-160. 2023.In this article, we focus on the C-Manuscripts to see how Husserl reflects on the margins of phenomenality with reference to the three limit-phenomena of sleep, death, and others. We choose to juxtapose these three limit-phenomena, because in the C-Manuscripts Husserl has depicted their affinities, both in terms of their phenomenal characters and their transcendental functions, in a creative way. There Husserl has outlined at least two approaches for introducing the limit-phenomena of sleep, dea…Read more
Mindfulness as Motivation for Phenomenological ReductionIn Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness, Routledge. pp. 38-53. 2023.There is a growing interest among philosophers in the relation between phenomenology and mindfulness. In addition to phenomenological descriptions of mindful experiences, a debate also arises over the utility of mindful training to the practice of phenomenology. In this chapter, I suggest that the practicality of phenomenology is in itself a core theoretical issue, hence the significance of the debate. Since phenomenology is by and large a transcendental discipline, it is obliged to clarify its …Read more
5Formen der Versunkenheit. Die Rolle der Traumanalyse im Frühwerk Eugen FinkVerlag Traugott Bautz GmbH. 2020.Der vorliegende Band beschäftigt sich mit dem philosophischen Traumarguments im Hinblick auf die Frühphase der Phänomenologie Eugen Finks. In seiner 1930 publizierte Dissertation Vergegenwärtigung und Bild und die Preisschrift, die einen Entwurf seiner Dissertation darstellt, findet sich eine implizite Verbindung zwischen zwei Forschungshorizonten, nämlich eine Phänomenologie des Traums und eine Phänomenologie des hyperbolischen Zweifels. Während die Vergleichbarkeit zwischen Wach- und Traumzust…Read more
188La primauté de la constitution de l'objet transitionnel chez Marc RichirPhainomena 32 (June 2023): 91-110. 2023.Parmi les psychanalystes, c’est principalement Donald Winnicott qui a aidé Marc Richir à éclaircir et à approfondir la phénoménologie génétique déjà amorcée par Edmund Husserl. Ce travail a pour but de montrer les usages que Richir fait de Winnicott dans ses recherches visant à prolonger le projet husserlien. Selon la lecture de Richir, Winnicott insiste sur « la primauté de la constitution de l’objet transitionnel » en termes d’accès au réel. À l’aide des propres mots de Winnicott, nous allons …Read more
41Dream and WorldlinessHuman Studies 45 (4): 777-792. 2022.The phenomenal character of dreaming has long been a matter of philosophical debates. Most of the time, dreaming is either likened to perception or likened to imagination, in order to decide whether it gets closer to normal or abnormal states of consciousness. This line of debates extends from the traditional dream argument to the contemporary movement of phenomenology. This article presents what specific contributions phenomenology has made to the millennial investigations of dreaming. Its stru…Read more