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    Platelet-like nanoparticles: Mimicking shape, flexibility, and surface biology of platelets to target vascular injuries
    with A. C. Anselmo, Lynn Modery-Pawlowski C., S. Menegatti, S. Kumar, D. R. Vogus, L. L. Tian, T. M. Squires, A. S. Gupta, and S. Mitragotri
    © 2014 American Chemical Society.. Targeted delivery of therapeutic and imaging agents in the vascular compartment represents a significant hurdle in using nanomedicine for treating hemorrhage, thrombosis, and atherosclerosis. While several types of nanoparticles have been developed to meet this goal, their utility is limited by poor circulation, limited margination, and minimal targeting. Platelets have an innate ability to marginate to the vascular wall and specifically interact with vascular …Read more