After graduating from ECA Elginkan Anatolian High School, I was entitled to study at Gebze Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering. In my startup and entrepreneurship adventure that I started in 2019, I founded my company NutzenTech in 2020. In 2022, I left my company and returned to academia. I am currently continuing my studies on environmental sciences with my advisors. I am developing my research skills within the scope of the national project in which I am involved as a project and laboratory assistant.
Since 2019, I have been providing high level English education within the scope of the methods I have developed. …
After graduating from ECA Elginkan Anatolian High School, I was entitled to study at Gebze Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering. In my startup and entrepreneurship adventure that I started in 2019, I founded my company NutzenTech in 2020. In 2022, I left my company and returned to academia. I am currently continuing my studies on environmental sciences with my advisors. I am developing my research skills within the scope of the national project in which I am involved as a project and laboratory assistant.
Since 2019, I have been providing high level English education within the scope of the methods I have developed. I provide trainings at A1-C2 and IELTS levels. I train successful students especially in my courses that I teach within the scope of language teaching and its philosophy. While 92% of my students have advanced in ESL teaching, the average IELTS score is 9/7.0.
I especially love reading, writing and thinking about moral philosophy and eudaimonia. The articles I share in this context attract the attention of my readers. In the philosophical theme I follow, human beings, by nature, run away from pain, sadness and anxiety and pursue joy and pleasure. Therefore, the main goal of the individual is to achieve happiness and pleasure. I characterise myself as a young thinker and improve myself day by day.
I love taking and interpreting photographs. The pleasure I get during this hobby is superior to anything else. That's why I especially love to take nature and other themed photos. I go on the road with my Canon 1200D camera and share with people everything that looks beautiful from my perspective.