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    African Philosophy is a collection of previously unpublished essays that address epistemological and metaphysical concerns that have emerged from the sub-Saharan regions of Africa. The primary focus of the book is on traditional African conceptions of mind, person, personal identity, truth, knowledge, understanding, objectivity, and reality. The collection also discusses traditional African conceptions of causation, destiny, and free will.
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    Farnesyltransferase inhibition: A novel method of immunomodulation
    with M. S. Si, P. Ji, B. J. Tromberg, J. Kwok, S. C. Ng, and D. K. Imagawa
    Farnesyltransferase inhibitors are anticancer compounds that inhibit Ras GTPases. Since Ras GTPases play key roles in T cell activation and function, we hypothesized that FTIs have immunomodulatory properties and are potential antirejection agents. An investigation was performed on a potent FTI to evaluate this hypothesis in the in vitro setting. The in vitro effects of the FTI A-228839 were evaluated. Lectin- or antigen presenting cell -induced lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of A-2288…Read more