2A Comparative Analysis Between Islamic Theism and AtheismInternational Journal of Philosophy 12 (3): 40-49. 2024.The world can be divided between atheism and theism, a division that also fuels its social conflicts, moral outlook, and social evolution. If not for the question of why God did not create everything in peace, harmony, and reconciliation, we might not have seen this division. Atheism thrives and lives on the consideration of a merciful God allowing suffering, hardship, and punishment while theism on the belief in divine tests practiced through higher values. However, the arguments for theism and…Read more
21Relationship between survival status of first child and subsequent child deathJournal of Biosocial Science 28 (2): 185-191. 1996.
24Undue influences on drugs and device industries distort healthcare research, and practiceBangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (2): 15-22. 2015.Background: Expenditure on industry products (mostly drugs and devices) has spiraled over the last 15 years and accounts for substantial part of healthcare expenditure. The enormous financial interests involved in the development and marketing of drugs and devices may have given excessive power to these industries to influence medical research, policy, and practice.Material and methods: Review of the literature and analysis of the multiple pathways through which the industry has directly or indi…Read more
49Child work and schooling in Bangladesh: The role of birth orderJournal of Biosocial Science 39 (5): 641-656. 2007.Using data from Bangladesh, this paper examines how the birth order of a child influences parental decisions to place children in one of four activities: 'study only', 'study and work', 'neither work nor study' and 'work only'. The results of the multinomial logit model show that being a first-born child increases the probability of work as the prime activity, or at least a combination of school and work, rather than schooling only. The results confirm that later-born children are more likely to…Read more
34The impact of childhood malnutrition on schooling: Evidence from BangladeshJournal of Biosocial Science 43 (4): 437-451. 2011.
29Understanding Science and Preventing It from Becoming PseudoscienceInternational Journal of Philosophy 9 (3): 127. 2021.
9The spiritual experience of Chinese Muslim minorities post-1998 reformation: A study of Chinese Muslims becoming IndonesiansHTS Theological Studies 78 (4). 2022.This article describes a new method of viewing a historical phenomenon based on its social significance. This method enabled the classification and analysis of a group in a context simultaneously and chronologically. Using historical phenomenology, the authors found a polarisation of Chinese Muslims' thoughts and practices in the Indonesian context. As an example, the technique of classification of Islamic thoughts is illustrated to discover Chinese Muslim figures' religious activities. This met…Read more
18The Rational-Empiric Model of the Functional Intellect and the Structural BrainInternational Journal of Philosophy 10 (1): 17. 2022.
33Turning religion from cause to reducer of panic during the COVID-19 pandemicHTS Theological Studies 77 (4): 1-8. 2021.Muslim communities in the village facing the COVID-19 Pandemic attempts to find refuge from the plague and hope for survival. However, this led to more caution, which may lead to xenophobia. Via ethnography, this study unmasks the xenophobic attitude. This research discusses the root causes of panic in the community so that remedies can be implemented. The research attempts to explain, from a socio-anthropological viewpoint, how people and religious groups in the village perceive the pandemic of…Read more
33Kinect Controlled NAO Robot for TelerehabilitationJournal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1): 224-239. 2020.In this paper, we focus on the human upper limb rehabilitation scheme that utilizes the concept ofteleoperation. Teleoperation can help the therapist demonstrate different rehab exercises to a different group of people at the same time remotely. Different groups of people from a different place connected to the same network can get therapy from the same therapist at the same time using the telerehabilitation scheme. Here, we presented a humanoid robot NAO that can be operated remotely by a thera…Read more
1Obtaining informed consent for Cesarean sections in BangladeshEubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (4): 119-125. 2019.Primary and secondary level hospitals are yet to introduce an informed consent procedure before performing cesarean sections in Bangladesh. There is no standard informed consent practice in the tertiary level healthcare institutions and hospitals. This study argues that the existing informed consent practice before performing cesarean section in most of the tertiary level hospitals can be regarded merely as consent rather than informed consent. The private hospitals and clinics usually provide s…Read more