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    Avicenna's Essentialism
    Journal of Knowledge 12 (1): 179-212. 2019.
    Reflecting on Avicenna’s works indicates that by ‘Dhat’(ذات), when used in the context of universal essences, he means either the quiddity or the nature, and when used in the context of individual essence, especially God’s essence, he means the very existence. The second meaning, i.e. the nature, which is the result of his inquiry about the reality of things, is based on the first one, i.e. the quiddity. According to this second meaning, and througha kind of thought experiment and using human m…Read more
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    The Principles of Avicenna’s Physics
    with Sakineh Karimi and Mohaamad Saeedimehr Sakineh Karimi
    Falsafe-Ye Elm, Institue for Humanities and Cultural Studies 3 (4). 2013.
    Abstract In the light of the analysis of Avicenna’s definition of “nature” we can discover the main principles of his physics, which are: ‘The agency of the nature’, ‘the directness of this agency’, ‘the natural object’, and ‘the essential agency of the nature’. One of the main consequences of this analysis is that the nature could be considered as the direct cause of the motion, immobility and spatial balance of the material objects. Moreover, it shows that natural objects are essentially capa…Read more
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    Formulating Avicenna's Argument of Truthful Ones in the Book of Nejat Based on the First-Order Predicate Logic
    with Homa Ranjbar and Davood Hosseini
    Avicennian Philosophy Journal 17 (50): 17-40. 2013.
    According to a common definition, the argument of truthful ones is an argument in which the existence of Necessary Being is proved with no presumption of the existence of the possible being. Avicenna proposed different versions of this style of argument and the version in the book of Nejat is one of them. This paper is intended to examine the possibility of proving the logical validity of this version in first-order predicate logic and explain the principles which the argument is based on. In th…Read more
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    In some cases, Avicenna used the semantical premises in order to deduce some conclusions in his Physics. For instance, he analyzes five derivatives of the word “tabiat” and then in the light of these analyses, he concludes that the natural properties of an object are caused by its essence and are based on it. Here, the major problem is how to justify Avicenna's passage from semantical premises to physical consequents. This paper shows that through analyzing the relation between nature and its de…Read more
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    Zalta on Unnecessary Logical Truths
    with M. Hojati and S. H. Shahryari
    Metaphysics (University of Isfahan) 5 (15): 1-16. 2013.
    According to a traditional view all logical truths are necessary however, this thesis recently has been faced with various critiques from different points of view. Introducing some logical operators, David Kaplan and Edward Zalta claim that there are logical truths regarding common definition ‒ that are not necessary. William Hanson objects Zalta's examples believing that they rely on unjustified presuppositions especially he does not accept real world validity as a proper notion for presenting …Read more
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    Muslim Philosophers on the Relation between Metaphysics and Theology
    Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 21 (3): 103-118. 2019.
    In different parts of Metaphysics, Aristotle presents different views on the nature and subject matter of the discipline in question. These different characterizations led to wide-ranging interpretations of the relation between metaphysics and philosophical theology. Muslim Philosophers adopted two different views. Al-Kindi and al-Farabi endorsed the view that metaphysics is the same as theology as far as its subject matter is the First Cause and it deals essentially with incorporeal entities. A…Read more
  • Higher-order Consciousness in Avicenna’s Philosophy
    with Akram Safarnouraiah
    Avicennian Philosophy Journal 21 (58): 5-20. 2017.
    We can explain “knowing” in Avicenna's thought through higher-order consciousness. He admits unconscious perception both in innate human knowledge namely self-awareness and self-evident concepts and propositions and in sense perceptions, imaginary perceptions, and intellectual perceptions. The difference between conscious and unconscious perceptions is due to the presence of self as the spectator of perception in the earlier and the absence of that in the later. So acquiring knowledge is possibl…Read more
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    Happiness in Avicenna's view; inclusive or dominant end?
    with Fatemeh Mollahassani
    Avicennian Philosophy Journal 20 (55): 81-96. 2016.
    One of the recent questions about happiness is that whether happiness is due to one thing or there is more than one item which leads to happiness and also the other items mentioned as causes of happiness could be considered as introduction to actualize the main cause or not. The first idea which assumes such an end to which all other ends are subordinated is known as "dominant end" and the latter is described as "inclusive end". Scholars attempt to analyze the causes providing happiness based on…Read more
  • William Craig on Divine Eternity; A Critical Survey
    with Fatima Mullahasani
    پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 8 (1): 5-31. 2012.
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    Avicenna’s Theory of God’s Knowledge of Particulars; Investigating Marmura’s Interpretation
    with Amirhossein Zadyousefi and Hossein Zamaniha
    پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 16 (1): 127-150. 2018.
    Michael E. Marmura, an outstanding Avicenna scholar, has presented a special interpretation of Avicenna’s view concerning God’s knowledge of particulars. In this paper, which consists of two parts, we will examine his interpretation of Avicenna. In the first part, we briefly present Marmura’s reading of Avicenna’s theory of God’s knowledge of particulars. According to Marmura’s interpretation of Avicenna, God only knows, individually, particular entities which are the only member of their specie…Read more
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    Divine Knowledge and the Doctrine of Badāʾ
    TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 2 (1): 23-36. 2018.
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    In his Does God have a Nature, Alvin Plantinga aims to explore three interrelated questions: does God have a nature? if so, is there a conflict between God's sovereignty and his having a nature? and how is God related to such abstract objects as properties and propositions? It seems clear from the introduction of the book, however, that his main and primary concern is to support two Divine widely accepted attributes namely God's aseity and sovereignty
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    The infallibility of prophets from the viewpoint of fakhr al-din al-razi
    with Leila Ekhtiari
    Philosophical Investigations. forthcoming.
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    Unity of soul to avicenna and Thomas Aquinas
    with Savejian Noushin Abdi
    Philosophical Investigations: Islamic Azad University, Science andResearch Branch 7 (19): 7-21. 2011.
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    Divine simplicity
    Topoi 26 (2): 191-199. 2007.
    According to a doctrine widely held by most medieval philosophers and theologians, whether in the Muslim or Christian world, there are no metaphysical distinctions in God whatsoever. As a result of the compendious theorizing that has been done on this issue, the doctrine, usually called the doctrine of divine simplicity, has been bestowed a prominent status in both Islamic and Christian philosophical theology. In Islamic philosophy some well-known philosophers, such as Ibn Sina (980–1037) and Mu…Read more