•  299
    Linguistic and metalinguistic intuitions in the philosophy of language
    with Edouard Machery and Christopher Y. Olivola
    Analysis 69 (4): 689-694. 2009.
    Machery et al. (2004) reported some preliminary evidence that intuitions about reference vary within and across cultures, and they argued that if real, such variation would have significant philosophical implications (see also Mallon et al. 2009). In a recent article, Genoveva Martı´ (2009) argues that the type of intuitions examined by Machery and colleagues (‘metalin- 10 guistic intuitions’) is evidentially irrelevant for identifying the correct theory of reference, and she concludes that the …Read more
  •  77
    Linguistic and metalinguistic intuitions in the philosophy of language
    with Edouard Machery and Christopher Y. Olivola
    Analysis 69 (4): 689-694. 2009.
    Machery et al. reported some preliminary evidence that intuitions about reference vary within and across cultures, and they argued that if real, such variation would have significant philosophical implications. In a recent article, Genoveva Martí argues that the type of intuitions examined by Machery and colleagues is evidentially irrelevant for identifying the correct theory of reference, and she concludes that the variation in the relevant intuitions about reference within and across cultures …Read more