Boston University
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2005
APA Eastern Division
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Mathematics
  •  22
    The Dispute between Two Accounts of the Continuum
    Journal of Philosophy 119 (8): 425-443. 2022.
    The topic of this paper is the debate between two accounts of the continuum. On one account the continuum has discrete elements. On the other it has no discrete elements. Each account has its own strengths and weaknesses. The paper introduces several different explications of continuity before stating and discussing an antinomy and some options to resolve it. An assessment follows in which certain astute philosophical views are vetted. If the dispute concerns the reality of the continuum, there …Read more
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    Hintikka and the Functions of Logic
    Logica Universalis 13 (2): 203-217. 2019.
    Jaakko Hintikka points out the power of Skolem functions to affect both what there is and what we know. There is a tension in his presupposition that these functions actually extend the realm of logic. He claims to have resolved the tension by “reconstructing constructivism” along epistemological lines, instead of by a typical ontological construction; however, after the collapse of the distinction between first and second order, that resolution is not entirely satisfactory. Still, it does throw…Read more
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    “Language and Metaphysics” by Hao Wang
    with Richard Jandovitz
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32 (1): 139-147. 2005.
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    A Bibliography of Hao Wang
    with Marie Grossi, Katalin Makkai, and Charles Parsons
    Philosophia Mathematica 6 (1): 25-38. 1998.
    A listing is given of the published writings of the logician and philosopher Hao Wang , which includes all items known to the authors, including writings in Chinese and translations into other languages
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    Wittgenstein and logic
    Synthese 166 (1): 41-54. 2009.
    In his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) presents the concept of order in terms of a notational iteration that is completely logical but not part of logic. Logic for him is not the foundation of mathematical concepts but rather a purely formal way of reflecting the world that at the minimum adds absolutely no content. Order for him is not based on the concepts of logic but is instead revealed through an ideal notational series. He states that logic is “transcendental…Read more
  •  45
    A bibliography of Hao Wang
    with Marie Grossi, Katalin Makkai, and And Charles Parsons
    Philosophia Mathematica 6 (1): 25-38. 1998.
    A listing is given of the published writings of the logician and philosopher Hao Wang (1921—1995), which includes all items known to the authors, including writings in Chinese and translations into other languages.