•  43
    Implications of the “initial brain” concept for brain evolution in Cetacea
    with Ilya I. Glezer and Myron S. Jacobs
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1): 75-89. 1988.
    We review the evidence for the concept of the “initial” or prototype brain. We outline four possible modes of brain evolution suggested by our new findings on the evolutionary status of the dolphin brain. The four modes involve various forms of deviation from and conformity to the hypothesized initial brain type. These include examples of conservative evolution, progressive evolution, and combinations of the two in which features of one or the other become dominant. The four types of neocortical…Read more
  •  39
    Dreams and sleep: Are new schemas revealing?
    with David J. Mokler
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6): 976-976. 2000.
    In this series of articles, several new hypotheses on sleep and dreaming are presented. In each case, we feel the data do not adequately support the hypothesis. In their lengthy discourse, Hobson et al. represent to us the familiar reciprocal interaction model dressed in new clothes, but expanded beyond reasonable testability. Vertes & Eastman have proposed that REM sleep is not involved in memory consolidation. However, we do not find their arguments persuasive in that limited differences in ac…Read more
  •  26
    The “initial” brain concept: Its uses and misuses
    with Ilya I. Glezer and Myron S. Jacobs
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1): 106-116. 1988.
    We review the evidence for the concept of the “initial” or prototype brain. We outline four possible modes of brain evolution suggested by our new findings on the evolutionary status of the dolphin brain. The four modes involve various forms of deviation from and conformity to the hypothesized initial brain type. These include examples of conservative evolution, progressive evolution, and combinations of the two in which features of one or the other become dominant. The four types of neocortical…Read more
  •  18
    Allometricks: Confusion about phylogenetic “progression” in brain evolution?
    with Ilya I. Glezer and Myron S. Jacobs
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1): 187-190. 1990.