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    Marcus Tullius Cicero is the father of modern law and politics. Cicero's influence was significant throughout subsequent European history, but never so much nor so directly as in the emergence of modernity and in the development of modern law and constitutional government. The early moderns became faithful apostles of Cicero's thought and ideals because their world and political circumstances were in many ways closer to those of Cicero than to those of any intervening centuries. The influence of…Read more
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    The Republican Foundations of International Law
    In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí (eds.), Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives, Oxford University Press. 2009.
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    Universal Human Rights: Moral Order in a Divided World (edited book)
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2005.
    Universal Human Rights brings new clarity to the important and highly contested concept of universal human rights. This collection of essays explores the foundations of universal human rights in four sections devoted to their nature, application, enforcement, and limits, concluding that shared rights help to constitute a universal human community, which supports local customs and separate state sovereignty. The eleven contributors to this volume demonstrate from their very different perspectives…Read more
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    Niccolò Machiavelli: Father of Modern Constitutionalism
    Ratio Juris 28 (2): 216-225. 2015.
    Niccolò Machiavelli is the father of modern constitutionalism. Constitutionalism began anew in the modern world with the study of the ancient republics and it was Machiavelli who inaugurated this revived science of politics. Five hundred years after the composition of Il Principe and the Discorsi we are still working out the implications of applying reason to the structures of law and government in pursuit of justice and the common good. Modern constitutionalism and ancient republicanism share t…Read more
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    Derecho, Razón y Emoción
    Revista Filosofía Uis 18 (2): 235-260. 2019.
    el derecho, la razón y la emoción tienen una larga, estrecha y complicada relación en la historia de la filosofía y de la justicia. Esta discusión sugiere que el derecho gana legitimidad y eficacia cuando une la razón con la emoción, que la razón y la emoción humana son los valores rectores de cualquier sistema jurídico justo, que todos los sistemas jurídicos dicen ser justos y que todos los sistemas jurídicos y todos los académicos del derecho hacen uso de estas ideas, ya sea que las reconozcan…Read more
  • Some thoughts on the value and purpose of law
    In M. N. S. Sellers, Joshua James Kassner & Colin Starger (eds.), The value and purpose of law: essays in honor of M.N.S. Sellers, Franz Steiner Verlag. 2019.
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    The value and purpose of law: essays in honor of M.N.S. Sellers (edited book)
    with Joshua James Kassner and Colin Starger
    Franz Steiner Verlag. 2019.
    This book reveals and discusses the foundations of law and justice. Fifteen leading lawyers and philosophers of law, representing thirteen nations and fifteen different philosophical schools examine the value and purpose of law, and the nature and requirements of law and justice. Some of the world's most learned and provocative legal scholars address the ultimate questions of legal and social philosophy from all angles and the broadest possible perspective, with special reference to the work of …Read more
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    Oxford Handbook of Republicanism (edited book)
    with Frank Lovett
    Oxford University Press. 2024.
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    Law, Reason, and Emotion (edited book)
    Cambridge University Press. 2017.
    This book examines the role and importance of reason and emotion in justice and the law. Eight lawyers and philosophers of law consider law's basis in the universal human need for society, our innate sense of justice, and many other powerful inclinations and emotions, including the desire for fairness and even for law itself. Human beings are deeply social creatures, inspired by social and other emotions, which can ennoble, support, or undermine the law. Law gains legitimacy and effectiveness wh…Read more
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    The problem set for republicans by groups is: which group or aggregation of citizens should count in pursuit of the common good? The relevant collective for the first republic, in Rome, was all Roman citizens, each of whom enjoyed "liberty" ("libertas") by which the Romans meant equal freedom from arbitrary interference or coercion by others, including officers of the state.i Republican legal theory depends on aggregating citizens into a group (the "people" or "populus") who act together to cons…Read more
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    Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (edited book)
    with Stephan Kirste
    Springer. 2017.
    This encyclopedia covers all topics in the philosophy of law and social philosophy, including the history, theory, and leading theorists of the philosophy of law and social philosophy. Featuring specially commissioned entries by an international team of the world's best scholars, including 2000-plus entries ensuring its place as the definitive reference work on the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy for the foreseeable future. The encyclopedia provides: 1) a clear concise expert definition …Read more
  • Cass R. Sunstein, Why Societies Need Dissent (review)
    Philosophy in Review 24 299-301. 2004.