• - (edited book)
    with Burhanuddin Arafah
  • Persuasive Rhetoric in Osoushiki Service Advertisements of Sougisha Tenrei Kaikan Company in Japan (6th ed.)
    with Sulastri Tetet and Duli Akin
    Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities 6 (1): 104-114. 2023.
    This study examines Aristotle's persuasive rhetoric in osoushiki advertisements, or funeral ceremonies in Japanese culture, made by sougisha (companies that serve funeral ceremonies). The increase in funeral service providers has prompted companies to create advertisements to attract prospective customers. Advertising, then, becomes a medium to convey messages in the form of verbal and iconic messages. The purpose of this research is to discover how sougisha persuades prospective customers of fu…Read more
  •  7
    The Qur’anic mantras recited by Shamanic Santri in Java, Indonesia
    with Ilyas Supena, Akhmad A. Junaidi, and Muhammad Faiq
    HTS Theological Studies 77 (4): 9. 2021.
    To overcome various problems, the practice of shamanism has gained popularity in Javanese society. The belief of the society in this practice is increasing, mainly because of the involvement of the kyai (an honorific title of the Muslim clergy), who serves as a shaman. The kyai, in this regard, uses Qur’anic verses in his mantra. This study aims to reveal how the use of the Qur’anic verses is interpreted and legitimised in the practice of shamanism amongst the Javanese community. This article co…Read more
  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan transivitas dan hubungannya dengan konteks situasi dalam pidato Nadiem Makarim pada hari guru sedunia 2021 dengan menggunakan teori linguistik sistemik fungsional sebagai alat analisis. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa pidato Nadiem Makarim pada hari guru sedunia 2021 yang diakses melalui laman resmi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode simak deng…Read more
  •  450
    Human-Robots And Google Translate: A Case Study Of Translation Accuracy In Translating French-Indonesian Culinary Texts
    Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 14 (4): 1194-1202. 2021.
    Google Translate (GT) is the most widely used translator application in the world. The function of GT is not merely as tools but has become a means in personal communication, learning and business matters. This paper aims to examine the GT accuracy in translating culinary texts. This paper used a semiotic approach to analyze the equivalence of GT from the source language to the target language. The data source as the object of study is French culinary texts retrieved from the internet. It can be…Read more
  •  1521
    Artificial Intelligence: Machine Translation Accuracy in Translating French-Indonesian Culinary Texts
    International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (3): 186-191. 2021.
    The use of machine translation as artificial intelligence (AI) keeps increasing and the world’s most popular a translation tool is Google Translate (GT). This tool is not merely used for the benefits of learning and obtaining information from foreign languages through translation but has also been used as a medium of interaction and communication in hospitals, airports and shopping centres. This paper aims to explore machine translation accuracy in translating French-Indonesian culinary texts (r…Read more
  •  638
    Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17 (8): 59-74. 2020.
    All languages have unique morphemes as distinguishing features from other languages. Unique morpheme is a morpheme with typical features divergent from other morphemes or language morpheme in general. This study aims to explain the unique morphemes in Malay Language of Makassar dialect. The finding is useful for linguistic studies especially morphological studies of morphemes. This study used descriptive method data collection method used was listening method. The techniques were listening and e…Read more
  •  168
    This research will discuss the new destination of Toraja coffee as a tourism development strategy. Questions that will be answered is what is the attraction of Toraja coffee tourism as a new tourist destination. Methods of research conducted are field observation and interviews with coffee stakeholders as an informant and foreign tourists as respondents. The results of this study concluded that the appeal of Toraja coffee as a tourism desti…Read more
  •  358
    with Teng Muhammad Bahar Akkase
    Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (12): 1548-1552. 2020.
    This research aims to analyze the term Philosophy of Local History, which is conducted using secondary sources, in addition to primary sources in the form of data from informants domiciled in Bone Regency. This research is also conducted to find out about Kajaolaliddong as a role model who are honest, intelligent, and brave. Kajaolaliddong is known as a scholar, statesman, and a reliable diplomat, whose thoughts became the concept of pangadereng, which then metamorphoses into a basic pattern of …Read more
  •  397
    The Language of Emoji in Social Media
    with Muhammad Hasyim and Burhanuddin Arafah
    In Muhammad Hasyim & Burhanuddin Arafah (eds.), -. pp. 494-504. 2019.
    The very fast development of information technology which is characterized by an influx of industry 4.0 has changed the way of human and behavior in language. The grammar which is a phenomenon of interest to language is examined along with behavior change language in the internet world. A phenomenon in language online is the emergence of the use of visual language emoji in conducting conversations in social media. This paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of visual language emoji among internet …Read more
  •  1743
    The Speech Act of Complaint: Socio-Cultural Competence Used by Native Speakers of English and Indonesian
    International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 6 (24): 14016-14028. 2020.
    Complaining is frequently regarded as a negative act stated to attack a person who is responsible for a wrong behavior. However, the proper use of complaints can improve an offensive situation and establish solidarity between interlocutors. This study is aimed at comparing the strategies of complaints made by college- educated native speakers of English and Indonesian. Qualitative method was used to carry out this study by involving 14 English native speakers (ENSs) and 30 Indonesian native spea…Read more
  •  406
    Othering The Self As A Form Of Mimicry In The English Translation Of Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi
    with Prasuri Kuswarini
    JOURNAl OF CRITICAL REVIEWS 19 (7): 1286-1295. 2020.
  •  160
    The Factory Industry and Local Community around a PT Semen Tonasa Factory: A Case study of Two Communities in the Pangkep Regency
    with Rahman Saeni
    International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13 (7): 1195-1205. 2020.
    The present research aims to describe the impact of socio-cultural factors, especially the attitude of the surrounding community, regarding the existence of a PT Semen Tonasa factory in Bungoro-Pangkep. Besides, it also aims to describe the impact of the socio-economy, especially the livelihoods and cultural background of the community, as well as provide a comparison of the past, and present types of businesses that can support the community to survive. An endogenous plant is the result of a lo…Read more
  •  1934
    Semiotic Model for Equivalence and Non-Equivalence In Translation, Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
    with Prasuri Kuswarini and Kaharuddin
    Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews 8 (3): 381-391. 2020.
    Purpose of the study: Not all languages have a universal concept of the same object, and this creates problems in translation. This paper aims to examine the semiotic model for equivalence or non-equivalence in translation which attempts to define the semiotic model, to use the model for translation, and to offer the benefits of this model to solving translation’s problem in equivalence and non-equivalence. Methodology: The data of this research are derived from the novel Lelaki Harimau, as the…Read more
  •  22
    The form of the traditional bamboo house in the Makassar culture: A cultural semiotic study
    with Tadjuddin Maknun, Munira Hasjim, and Muslimat Muslimat
    Semiotica 2020 (235): 153-164. 2020.
    This study aims to explain the form of a traditional house made of bamboo in Makassar culture; the components of the traditional houses made of bamboo and their respective functions; and socio-cultural dimensions of the shape and structure traditional house constructed of bamboo in Makassar culture. To discuss these problems, we used the Saussure’s Structural Linguistics approach and Levi Strauss’ Structural Anthropology. Both are elaborated into cultural semiotics. The data collection methods u…Read more
  •  452
    Foreign Tourists' Perceptions of Toraja as a Cultural Site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 8 (3): 1-13. 2019.
    This study discusses foreign tourists' perceptions of Toraja which is a cultural tourism site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Every year, tourists visit Toraja to participate in their yearly rituals of death take time to visit the graves inside the mountain cliffs (in caves) as they feel the rich cultural heritage and have a view of the traditional houses. Data were collected by interviewing these tourists through the use of questionnaires with randomly selected respondents. The results obtained s…Read more
  •  361
    The Metaphor of Consumerism
    Journal of Language Teaching and Research 8 (3): 523. 2017.
    This research uses semiotic of metaphor to unmask the underlying meaning beneath the semiotic of consumerism on television advertisements. This research attempts to explain how advertised products are being used, through the means of semiotic of metaphor by scrutinizing the dynamic relationship between sign and signifier. Semiotic of metaphor makes the products ‘alive’ within human society hence, this implies that the very existence of human beings is no longer determined by the presence of anot…Read more