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    In addition to the laws that regulate society, morality has also had an important place. The fact that law and morality have related sources and aims has made it inevitable for the two fields to interact. Throughout the history of philosophy, law and morality have sometimes been related and sometimes separated from each other with sharp boundaries. After the Middle Ages, when these two fields began to be clearly abstracted from each other, it was argued that law and morality were separate and th…Read more
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    Aristoteles’in “Adalet” Kavramının Günümüz Karşılıkları Örneğinde Felsefe Metin Çevirilerinin Doğası
    Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:3): 226-246. 2023.
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    Yükümlülüklerin Temellendirilmesi Sorunu
    Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2): 835-858. 2021.
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    Using computer algebra to determine rate constants in biochemistry
    with J. P. Bennett and M. C. Dewar
    Acta Biotheoretica 41 (1-2): 53-62. 1993.
    In earlier work we have described how computer algebra may be used to derive composite rate laws for complete systems of equations, using the mathematical technique of Gröbner Bases (Bennett, Davenport and Sauro, 1988). Such composite rate laws may then be fitted to experimental data to yield estimates of kinetic parameters.Recently we have been investigating the practical application of this methodology to the estimation of kinetic parameters for the closed two enzyme system of aspartate aminot…Read more