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    Berkeley and the Time-Gap Argument
    In Timo Airaksinen & Bertil Belfrage (eds.), Berkeley's lasting legacy: 300 years later, Cambridge Scholars Press. 2011.
    Berkeley doesn't use the Time-Gap Argument, as Leibniz does, to prove either that we immediately see only ideas or that we see physical objects mediately. It may be doubted whether he was even aware of the time-gap problem that gives rise to the argument. But certain passages in the Three Dialogues and elsewhere suggest that Berkeley would have had cogent answers to anyone who claimed that this argument, construed as being in aid of the conclusion that we only perceive ideas, is unsound. Discuss…Read more
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    Selected Papers
    with Vasily Sesemann and Leonidas Donskis
    Rodopi. 2010.
    Does it make sense to refer to the social and political existence of the Baltic countries as to being between civilizations of East and West, or as being on the boundary of two worlds? What are the most characteristic features of modern moral imagination? How does it manifest itself in the politics and cultures of the Baltic countries? These will be the main foci of the book series intended and launched as a critical examination of identity, politics, and culture in the Baltic countries. We are …Read more