18Promoting inequality? Self-monitoring applications and the problem of social justiceAI and Society 38 (6): 2597-2607. 2023.When it comes to improving the health of the general population, mHealth technologies with self-monitoring and intervention components hold a lot of promise. We argue, however, that due to various factors such as access, targeting, personal resources or incentives, self-monitoring applications run the risk of increasing health inequalities, thereby creating a problem of social justice. We review empirical evidence for “intervention-generated” inequalities, present arguments that self-monitoring …Read more
33Professional Solidarity Versus Responsibility for the Health of the Public: is a nurses' strike morally defensible?Nursing Ethics 4 (4): 283-292. 1997.The purpose of this article is to deliberate the moral and legal dilemma entailed in the weapon of the labour strike as a pressure tactic on the Israeli Finance Ministry regarding job slots, budgets and, in effect, violating the collective agreement signed by the nurses and impairing patients’ treatment, as opposed to refraining from striking and suffering the heavy burden of work, the lack of trained personnel, low wages, and the inability to give patients proper, high quality treatment
15‘It's not the form; it's the process’: a phenomenological study on the use of creative professional development workshops to improve teamwork and communication skillsMedical Humanities 42 (3): 173-180. 2016.
50Nurse middle manager ethical dilemmas and moral distressNursing Ethics 22 (1): 43-51. 2015.Background:Nurse managers are placed in a unique position within the healthcare system where they greatly impact upon the nursing work environment. Ethical dilemmas and moral distress have been reported for staff nurses but not for nurse middle managers.Objective:To describe ethical dilemmas and moral distress among nurse middle managers arising from situations of ethical conflict.Methods:The Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing–Middle Manager Questionnaire and a personal characteristics questionnaire we…Read more
6Professional Solidarity Versus Responsibility for the Health of the Public: is a nurses’ strike morally defensible?Nursing Ethics 4 (4): 283-293. 1997.The purpose of this article is to deliberate the moral and legal dilemma entailed in the weapon of the labour strike as a pressure tactic on the Israeli Finance Ministry regarding job slots, budgets and, in effect, violating the collective agreement signed by the nurses and impairing patients’ treatment, as opposed to refraining from striking and suffering the heavy burden of work, the lack of trained personnel, low wages, and the inability to give patients proper, high quality treatment.
Kunst, geld en ideologie bij het festival van BayreuthNexus 19. 1997.De geschiedenis van de "Wagner-tempel" in Bayreuth staat bol van oorverdovende familieruzies en ideologisch wapengekletter. Van de aanbidding van de Wagner-fans en de allesoverheersende nazi-geest is na vele verwikkelingen thans niets meer over. Aan het einde van de twingtigste eeuw is Bayreuth zijn aureool kwijt, de oude garde van reactionaire Wagnerianen is uitgestorven en de groot-Duitse geest van Germaanse suprematie tegenover het verontreinigende joodse cosmopolitisme is uitgebannen. In de …Read more
29Comprehensive Patient-Family Care: Fact or Fiction?Nursing Ethics 2 (2): 143-148. 1995.The ICN 1973 Code for nurses states that 'Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community...'. It goes on to say that, 'The nurse's primary respon sibility is to those people who require nursing care.' Thus, our primary responsibility to provide comprehensive care to patients and their families is a concept we teach and preach, but can it be achieved? In this paper, I would like to present the ethical dilemmas expressed by nurses as inherent in the care of patients …Read more
26Ethical Dilemmas Experienced By Hospital and Community Nurses: an Israeli SurveyNursing Ethics 3 (4): 294-303. 1996.The objective of this survey was to assess the extent to which nurses encounter and identify dilemma-generating situations in the light of the publication and circulation of the Israeli code of ethics for nurses in 1994. The results are being used as a basis for a programme aimed at promoting nurses' decision-making skills in coping with ethical dilemmas. In this era of major advances in medicine, the nurse's role as the protector of patient rights may bring about conflicts with physicians' orde…Read more
67Ethical Dilemmas Faced By the Nursing Disciplinary CommitteeNursing Ethics 3 (2): 140-149. 1996.This article presents the complicated ethical dilemmas that arise in the procedures and proceedings of the Nursing Disciplinary Committee, which deals with matters of life and death (e.g. patients' rights to quality. and safe care, professional integrity and account ability, and the nurse's future). The article also describes the composition and function of the Committee, the type of case it deliberates, its limitations, and the dilemmas its members may encounter
74Applying an ethical decision-making tool to a nurse management dilemmaNursing Ethics 17 (3): 393-402. 2010.This article considers ethical dilemmas that nurse managers may confront and suggests an ethical decision-making model that could be used as a tool for resolving such dilemmas. The focus of the article is on the question: Can nurse managers choose the ethically right solution in conflicting situations when nurses’ rights collide with patients’ rights to quality care in a world of cost-effective and economic constraint? Managers’ responsibility is to ensure and facilitate a safe and ethical worki…Read more