• Determinants of birth interval length
    with James Trussell, Barbara Vaughan, Samir Farid, T. Kanitkar, B. N. Murthy, M. M. Gandotra, V. Fuster, A. K. Majumder, and S. H. Lee
    Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (4): 133-58. 1989.
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    The concept of thinking: A reappraisal of Ryle's work
    Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1): 260. 2011.
    In The Concept of Mind, Ryle's official position seems to be that mental acts cannot be intrinsically private. In The Concept of Mind as well as his later work on thinking, Ryle views thinking as an activity that terminates in a thought, which is a state of being prepared for a performance. Thinking is characterised by what Ryle calls intention-parasitism; for it is, insofar as its underlying motive is concerned, parasitic on the final performance which will take place later. Ryle shows that act…Read more