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    Book Reviews (review)
    with Matthew C. Eshleman, Phillip Barron, J. Reese Faust, and Brooks Kirchgassner
    Sartre Studies International 29 (2): 79-99. 2023.
    Bruce Baugh, Philosophers’ Walks (New York: Routledge, 2022), 251 pp., $48.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-3673-3313-3 Marco Cavallaro and George Heffernan (editors), The Existential Husserl: A Collection of Critical Essays (New York: Springer, 2022), 354 pp., $119.99 (hardback), ISBN 978-3-031-05094-7 Mary L. Edwards, Sartre's Existential Psychoanalysis: Knowing Others (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), 258 pp., $115.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-350-17347-7, $39.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-350-33107-5. Elisa …Read more
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    Goldschmidt, Tyron, Ontological Arguments
    Kritike 17 (1): 148-152. 2023.
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    Hegel and the Problem of Beginning: Scepticism and Presuppositionlessness
    Philosophical Quarterly 74 (1): 375-378. 2023.
    Robb Dunphy's new book, Hegel and the Problem of Beginning: Scepticism and Presuppositionlessness, is a serious piece of scholarship intended for advanced reade.
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    Recognition and the Self in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
    Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3): 817-819. 2022.
    In one of the most memorable statements of his work, Hegel underscores how hugely important the role of the subject is for the developmental course of the Pheno.
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    Hegel's Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity
    Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3): 819-822. 2022.
    I highly recommend reading Gregory S. Moss’ Hegel's Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity. In this detailed examination of Hegel's masterpiece
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    Transcendence, Immanence, and Intercultural Philosophy (edited book)
    Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016.
    This book presents detailed discussions from leading intercultural philosophers, arguing for and against the priority of immanence in Chinese thought and the validity of Western interpretations that attempt to import conceptions of transcendence. The authors pay close attention to contemporary debates generated from critical analysis of transcendence and immanence, including discussions of apophasis, critical theory, post-secular conceptions of society, phenomenological approaches to transcenden…Read more
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    One of the most difficult tasks Hegel scholars and teachers of Hegel face is how to introduce his work in a clear way without reducing the complexity of his thought to a caricature. This issue comes about more often with Hegel than with most other philosophers because of the intricacies of his local arguments, the abstract style of his writing, and how often dialectical reasoning shifts the meaning of a given standpoint. It is a significant achievement for a commentator to explain Hegel to a stu…Read more
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    Hegel's Ontology of Power: The Structure of Social Domination in Capitalism
    Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4): 1040-1042. 2022.
    In Hegel's Ontology of Power: The Structure of Social Domination in Capitalism, Arash Abazari offers a highly original account of Hegel's Science of Logic as a book of political theory. Hegel's Logic is traditionally understood to be a systematic dialectical study of fundamental ontology; revising this tradition, Abazari says that Hegel's Logic ‘expresses the spirit of capitalism’ (p. 8). He claims that Hegel's Logic is an ontological treatise, which, at the same time, exposes the power structur…Read more
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    In this volume, scholars draw deeply on negative theology in order to consider some of the oldest questions in the philosophy of religion that stand as persistent challenges to inquiry, comprehension, and expression. The chapters engage different philosophical methodologies, cross disciplinary boundaries, and draw on varied cultural traditions in the effort to demonstrate that apophaticism can be a positive resource for contemporary philosophy of religion.
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    The Logic of the Secret in Hegel and Derrida
    Philosophy and Theology 31 (1): 39-58. 2019.
    The aim of this article is to contrast Hegelian insights about the secret with Derrida’s literary account of the secret in the story of Abraham. Derrida outlines two kinds of secret in “Literature in Secret,” one revealable and the other apophatic. I propose that the first kind of secret is Hegelian in nature because a productive concept of contradiction underlies it. On the other hand, the second kind of secret is Derridean because it withdraws from all revelation. Through an analysis of the ro…Read more
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    One of the most interesting debates in Hegel scholarship today comes from the question of how to interpret Hegel’s treatment of contradiction in the Science of Logic.1 Some interpreters claim that Hegel defiantly disregards the basic law of noncontradiction, which states that something cannot both be and not be in the same time, manner, or place, proposing instead that for Hegel true contradictions really do exist, and not only in rational conception but equally in the very fabric of reality. Ho…Read more
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    Brown offers close textual analysis of Hegel’s theory of modality. It situates Hegel within historical and contemporary debates about metaphysics, bringing him into dialogue with Aristotle, Leibniz, Kant, Heidegger, and Agamben. It is of benefit to anyone interested in the history of possibility.
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    Aristotle's famous claim that human beings are animals with rationality has a subtle and complicated articulation in his doctrine of the mean. This paper offers textual analysis of Aristotle's discussion of the mean as a resource for coming to terms with the thesis that humans naturally deliberate over the essence of their nature. Unlike other animals who tend to act without deliberation and without mediation, human beings are the animals who are capable of giving an account of themselves. Howev…Read more
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    Aristotle and Heidegger
    Idealistic Studies 46 (2): 199-214. 2016.
    Aristotle claims in book 9 of the Metaphysics that potentiality is distinct from actuality yet also that potentiality exists only for the sake of actuality. This essay presents the relationship between potentiality’s existence and actuality’s priority as an aporia, where potentiality remains distinct from and exists in excess of actuality, even though it exists only as actuality. I claim that this aporia helps the early Heidegger of Being and Time to conclude, contrary to Aristotle, that potenti…Read more
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    Aristotle and Heidegger
    Idealistic Studies 46 (2): 199-214. 2016.
    Aristotle claims in book 9 of the Metaphysics that potentiality is distinct from actuality yet also that potentiality exists only for the sake of actuality. This essay presents the relationship between potentiality’s existence and actuality’s priority as an aporia, where potentiality remains distinct from and exists in excess of actuality, even though it exists only as actuality. I claim that this aporia helps the early Heidegger of Being and Time to conclude, contrary to Aristotle, that potenti…Read more
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    The Presence of Nature (review)
    Environmental Philosophy 8 (1): 124-128. 2011.
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    This essay offers an examination of Agamben's statement that there is an important ambiguity in Aristotle's Metaphysics Theta as to whether actuality or potentiality is primary. I argue that this ambiguity is significant because it exposes the ontological dimension of Agamben's paradox of sovereignty.