32A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism (edited book)Lexington Books. 2014.This book introduces Robert Corrington’s “ecstatic naturalism,” a new perspective in understanding “sacred” nature and naturalism, and explores what can be done with this philosophical thought. This is an excellent resource for scholars of Continental philosophy, philosophy of religion, and American pragmatism
14Political Corruption and Corporate Risk-TakingJournal of Business Ethics 184 (1): 93-113. 2022.We use variation in corruption convictions across judicial districts in the US to examine the relationship between political corruption and risk-taking of public firms. Firms headquartered in regions with high levels of political corruption have lower total risk and lower idiosyncratic risk on average. Further analysis shows that corruption tends to encourage firms to pursue risk-decreasing investments, lower the riskiness of their operations, and decrease asset liquidity. While managerial owner…Read more
4Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.Objective: The primary aim of this trial was to assess the feasibility of minimally invasive esophagectomy in a multi-institutional setting. Background: Esophagectomy is an important, potentially curative treatment for localized esophageal cancer, but is a complex operation. MIEmay decrease the morbidity and mortality of resection and single-institution studies have demonstrated successful outcomes with MIE. Methods: We conducted a…Read more
Nature's Primal Self: An Ecstatic Naturalist Critique of the Anthropocentrism of Peirce's Pragmaticism and Jaspers' ExistentialismDissertation, Drew University. 2002.Whether the self is situated in the semiotic community or in the encompassing realm of Existenz , an anthropocentric obsession with the self as the arbiter of knowledge has been continuously privileged. And whether located by modernism or dislocated by postmodernism, the anthropocentric self is still plagued with its own "crisis of subjectivity" . As a foundling within nature, the self is ontologically fissured. Ecstatic naturalism succinctly states: "At the heart of the self is a cleft, a wound…Read more
12Nature's Primal Self: Peirce, Jaspers, and CorringtonLexington Books. 2011.The underlying theme of this book is the analysis of Corrington’s ecstatic naturalism as a breakthrough movement that combines the fields of semiotics, theology, depth psychology, and philosophy in a new metaphysics of nature. Ecstatic naturalism provides a viable alternative to Peirce’s semiotic conception of the self and to Jaspers’ existential elucidation of Existenz
Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, Thailand
Areas of Interest
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