•  10
    Images of Community in American Popular Culture
    In Philip Alperson (ed.), Diversity and Community, Blackwell. 2004-01-01.
    This chapter contains section titled: Seinfeld Waiting to Exhale Ellen Special News Broadcasts Radio Programs Outlaw Communities Talk Shows Conclusion.
  • 2. From the Editors From the Editors (pp. 1-10)
    with Jennifer L. Hansen, Jennifer Radden, Lisa Cosgrove, Carol Steinberg Gould, Gwen Adshead, Robyn Bluhm, Ginger A. Hoffman, Elleke Landeweer, and Tineke A. Abma
    International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (1). 2011.
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    This book examines the role and limits of policies in shaping attitudes and actions toward war, violence, and peace. Authors examine militaristic language and metaphor, effects of media violence on children, humanitarian intervention, sanctions, peacemaking, sex offender treatment programs, nationalism, cosmopolitanism, community, and political forgiveness to identify problem policies and develop better ones.
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    Valid Moral Appraisals and Valid Personality Disorders
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (2): 131-142. 2010.
    We are thankful for the opportunity to reflect more on the difficult problem of the relationship between moral evaluations and the construct of personality disorders in response to the commentaries by Mike Martin and Louis Charland. We begin by emphasizing to readers that this important problem is complicated by the different perspectives of the various disciplines involved, especially, philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology. Incredulity, anger, and dismay are among the reactions we encountered …Read more
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    Memory and the Instituting Social Imaginary
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4): 241-242. 2022.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Memory and the Instituting Social ImaginaryNancy Nyquist Potter*, PhD (bio)Emily Walsh's Article on the way that colonialism is perpetuated in psychiatry through dominant collective memory is simultaneously exciting and challenging, and merits active engagement toward making changes (Walsh, 2022). This presents a challenge to clinicians to address entrenched, often subconscious, ways of being with and helping racialized people with h…Read more
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    Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing Damaged Relationships (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2006.
    People do great wrongs to each other all the time, sometimes deliberately, sometimes accidentally. This book looks at how people, communities, and nations can address great wrongs and how they can heal from them - taking into consideration how differences in cultures, histories, and group expectations affect the possibilities for healing.
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    The Virtue of Epistemic Humility
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (2): 121-123. 2022.
    Ethics, including medical ethics, has historically paid insufficient attention to epistemic rights and wrongs. This neglect fails to recognize the ways ethics and epistemology are intertwined. In the past fifteen years or so, there has been an interest in epistemic issues in medical practices, relationships with patients, and what is called epistemic injustice. Miranda Fricker identifies a kind of epistemic wrong as an injustice and a harm because it diminishes the speaker's capacity of a knower…Read more
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    Personality Disorders: Moral or Medical Kinds—Or Both?
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (2): 101-117. 2010.
    This article critically examines Louis Charland’s claim that personality disorders are moral rather than medical kinds by exploring the relationship between personality disorders and virtue ethics. We propose that the conceptual resources of virtue theory can inform psychiatry’s thinking about personality disorders, but also that virtue theory as understood by Aristotle cannot be reduced to the narrow domain of ‘the moral’ in the modern sense of the term. Some overlap between the moral domain’s …Read more
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    The Haunting and Mourning of Subaltern Voices in Psychiatry
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (3): 273-276. 2020.
    Sarah Kamens invites readers to consider ways that psychiatry is colonizing, drawing on the concepts of ghostwriting and voice-hearing as mirrored points of haunting in medical regimes. Her article is provocative and engaging, and she is spot on about some of the more concerning aspects of psychiatry. I suggest some ways that Kamens can expand on this work, but my emphasis is on ghostly and emergent voices of service users.I find myself wishing that Kamens would dig deeper into some of the core …Read more
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    Vice, Mental Disorder, and the Role of Underlying Pathological Processes
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1): 27-29. 2008.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vice, Mental Disorder, and the Role of Underlying Pathological ProcessesNancy Nyquist Potter (bio) and Peter Zachar (bio)Keywordsresponsibility, virtue theory, cultural norms, psychopathologyThe issues discussed by John Sadler are among the most complicated in the philosophy of psychiatry, if for no other reason than that they highlight an area where disciplinary fault lines between clinical psychiatry/ psychology and philosophy seem…Read more
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    Aims, Methods, and Resources for Ethics Training
    with Rif El-Mallakh
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3): 215-217. 2019.
    We are pleased with the thought-provoking discussion that our article has stimulated. All of the discussants agree that the state of education and infusion of ethical principles and practices into psychiatric decision making is currently suboptimal. The ethical questions raised by the discussants, writ large, have been analyzed, reduced to a seemingly manageable 'core,' or expanded to capture nuance and subtlety, and it is invaluable for clinicians, patients, and others to explore them together.…Read more
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    The Interface of Ethics and Psychiatry: A Philosophical Case Consultation on Psychiatric Ethics on the Ground
    with Rif El-Mallakh
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3): 179-189. 2019.
    This case consultation offers three cases that illustrate a collaborative consultation model for psychiatric ethics that we have developed in outpatient clinic and in emergency psychiatry over the last 10 years. After we present these cases, we discuss three points of interest: 1) the characteristics we found to be important to our collaborative project, 2) the benefits of an integrative approach, and 3) ways that our collaborative moral reasoning developed our awareness of and sensitivity to et…Read more
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    Diagnostic Reasoning in Psychiatry: Acknowledging an Explicit Role for Intersubjective Knowing
    with Mona Gupta and Simon Goyer
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (1): 49-64. 2019.
    In most areas of medicine, the physician's primary task is to diagnose the patient's presenting problem by correctly identifying the underlying pathology causing that problem. Diagnoses are established through a process of correlating the information obtained from an interview with the patient about his history of illness and circumstances, with additional evidence of the underlying disease derived from physical examination findings and/or the results of laboratory investigations and diagnostic …Read more
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    Ethics Experts, Pedagogical Responsibilities, and Wishful Thinking: Revising the DSM
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3): 203-206. 2017.
    Tamara Browne argues that many of the controversies that emerge in the process of revising DSMs could be solved by the creation of an Ethics Review Panel, similar to that of a research ethics committee. Members of such a panel would, in Browne's words, "help inform psychiatric classification". Browne's proposal is important on a number of levels, the most significant one being that it affirms the status of ethics as equal to that of science. An Ethics Review Panel would do more than merely make …Read more
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    Is There a Role for Humor in the Midst of Conflict?
    Social Philosophy Today 17 103-123. 2001.
    Theories of humor tend to neglect the role that humor plays in situations of conflict. This paper explores epistemological and political dimensions of humor as it is used by members of disenfranchised and otherwise marginalized groups. Not only can this kind of humor I call "oppositional" aid members of oppressed groups in preparing for conflict; it can also help people's beliefs shift in politically significant ways. Although I think the use of oppositional humor can be very constructive both p…Read more
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    I discuss pedagogical issues that concern incest survivors. As teachers, we need to understand the ways in which the legacy of incest variously affects survivors' educational experiences and to be aware that the interplay of trust, knowledge, and power may be particularly complex for survivors. I emphasize the responsibility teachers have to create classrooms that are inclusive of survivors, while raising concerns about the practice of personal disclosure and assumptions about trust and safety i…Read more
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    Loopholes, Gaps, and What is Held Fast
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4): 237-254. 1996.
    This paper raises questions about who counts as a knower with regard to his or her own memories, what gets counted as a genuine memory, and who will affirm those memories within an epistemic community. I argue for a democratic epistemology informed by an understanding of relations of power. I investigate implications of the claim that knowledge is both social and political and suggest ways it is related to trust. Given the tendency of epistemology to draw lines that discriminate unfairly against…Read more
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    : This essay examines the relationship between nonviolence and trustworthiness. I focus on questions of accountability for people in midlevel positions of power, where multiple loyalties and responsibilities create conflicts and where policies can push people into actions that reinstate hegemonic relations. A case study from crisis counseling is presented in which the (mis)management of the case exacerbated previous violence done to a biracial female. The importance of resistance to dominant ide…Read more
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    Borderline Personality Disorder is a diagnosis given to a significant number of people in the Western world. Yet many of the core concepts and symptoms that underlye this diagnosis are questionable. This book presents a compelling analysis of BPD, arguing that it needs to be approached in a new light- one that will benefit patients.
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    Civic Trust, Scientific Objectivity, and the Publicity Condition
    American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8): 57-58. 2010.
    Authors James Wilson and David Hunter (2010) take on the critics of research “overregulation,” defending institutional review boards (IRBs) and their role in research in three ways. According to Wi...
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    What It Means to Treat People as Ends-in-Themselves
    American Journal of Bioethics 11 (10). 2011.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 10, Page 6-7, October 2011
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    Oh Blame, Where Is Thy Sting?
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (3): 225-230. 2011.
    I think that Hanna Pickard and I are in agreement that the dichotomy between ‘having’ and ‘not having’ control and conscious knowledge should be rejected. Personality disordered (PD) service users, like the rest of us, have degrees of not knowing and knowing, controlling and not controlling, such that pinpointing exactly when assignment of responsibility should enter into judgments of service users is murky and difficult. This position includes both metaphysical and epistemological issues in tha…Read more
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    Empathic foundations of clinical knowledge
    In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry, Oxford University Press. 2013.
    This chapter sets out several views of empathy that draw not only on psychology's literature but on philosophical and psychiatric writings. Empathy is a set of complex concepts involving perception, emotion, attitudinal orientation, and other cognitive processes as well as an activity that expresses character traits and, hence, one of the virtues. In other words, an examination of the philosophical and clinical literature reveals empathy to be not one unified concept but instead a set of related…Read more
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    In the Spirit of Giving Uptake
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1): 33-35. 2003.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 33-35 [Access article in PDF] In the Spirit of Giving Uptake Nancy Nyquist Potter IT IS BOTH WONDERFUL and daunting to now be in the middle of a dialogical exchange on the messy and difficult topic of self-injury and how ethically to interact with patients who self-injure. It is wonderful that authors such as Carolyn Sargent have contributed very helpful examples from the discipline of…Read more
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    This essay examines the relationship between nonviolence and trustworthiness. I focus on questions of accountability for people in midlevel positions of power, where multiple loyalties and responsibilities create conflicts and where policies can push people into actions that reinstate hegemonic relations. A case study from crisis counseling is presented in which the management of the case exacerbated previous violence done to a biracial female. The importance of resistance to dominant ideology i…Read more