• Imagination and the Ethical Ideal
    Dissertation, Columbia University. 1989.
    The dissertation is about the place of ideals in ethical reflection. Ideals are distinguished from principles. Principles are expressed as universalizable imperatives of right behavior. Ideals are expressed as models of the good life essentially tied to the character of the individual self. I argue that moralities of principle, such as Kant's, do not adequately resolve two fundamental difficulties in current ethical theory: the problem of relativism, and what I call the theoretician's dilemma. ;…Read more
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    The Ethic of Simplicity
    In Lissa McCullough & Elliot R. Wolfson (eds.), D. G. Leahy and the thinking now occurring, State University of New York Press. pp. 175-188. 2021.
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    Religion, the Globalization of War, and Restorative Justice
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1): 79-87. 2006.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion, the Globalization of War, and Restorative JusticeNathan TierneyAs the pace of globalization increases, the world's religions find themselves in a perilous dilemma that they have yet to resolve in either practical or conceptual terms. On the one hand, the globalization of markets exerts a powerful pressure toward consumerist and materialist values, which undermine and undercut religious perspectives and sensibilities. On the…Read more