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    The Depth of Reason: Kant, Marx, and Heidegger in the Deconstruction of Christianity
    International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (1-3): 22-42. 2022.
    ABSTRACT Jean-Luc Nancy’s so-called ‘deconstruction of Christianity’ is usually understood as both a philosophy of culture and a critique of metaphysics. This article, however, argues that its primary concern is neither the Christian religion as a cultural formation, nor the exhaustion of the metaphysical enterprise. Instead, by looking at some of the philosophical sources on which Nancy’s project is built – namely, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, and Martin Heidegger –, the article suggests that its …Read more
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    The staging of play
    Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 6 (1): 177-209. 2018.
    In this essay, I discuss how Jean-Luc Nancy understands the nature or logic of philosophy in relation to literature by drawing on his early readings of Plato. Through an analysis of the notions of interpretation and dialogue, Nancy comes to understand this relationship in terms of shared difference, or partage. I argue that philosophy therefore operates according to a poetic logic that allows it to move between being and nonbeing. This movement, which Derrida calls play and Nancy understands as …Read more
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    Spread Body and Exposed Body
    Angelaki 26 (3-4): 126-138. 2021.
    The question of the body spans across the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, from Noli me tangere, to Corpus and Jacques Derrida’s dialogue with Nancy in On Touching. In constant conversation with Christianit...
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    The World’s Fragile Skin
    Angelaki 26 (3-4): 12-16. 2021.
    Some ancient philosophers compared the world to a big animal. This was vigorously opposed by modernity – the Enlightenment and the nineteenth century –, which compared it to a machine. Today, nobo...
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    Jean-Luc Nancy is a philosopher. He is not simply a “thinker” or a “theorist”. Of course, philosophers spend their time thinking, often in the most theoretical and abs...
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    Angelaki 26 (3-4): 3-3. 2021.
    This paper seeks to elucidate Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s shared understanding of faith by providing a phenomenology of faith. This is accomplished by applying Nancy’s conception of experience to Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, of which this paper thus offers a phenomenological reading in order to analyse the experience of faith its pseudonymous author relates. In doing so, however, we will discover that faith belongs to a realm of experience that is more fundamental than, and thu…Read more
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    The question of the body spans across the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, from Noli me tangere, to Corpus and Jacques Derrida’s dialogue with Nancy in On Touching. In constant conversation with Christianity (“This is my body” or Dis-Enclosure), corporeality in Nancy can be summarised using the figure of the “exposed body (corps ex-peausé)”: a demonstration of the surface of the skin (peau) and an exposition of the self to the other in the sense of a “staging” (Corpus). In my work, the concept of the “sp…Read more
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    An Accordion Tune
    Angelaki 26 (3-4): 239-242. 2021.
    This paper seeks to elucidate Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s shared understanding of faith by providing a phenomenology of faith. This is accomplished by applying Nancy’s conception of experience to Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, of which this paper thus offers a phenomenological reading in order to analyse the experience of faith its pseudonymous author relates. In doing so, however, we will discover that faith belongs to a realm of experience that is more fundamental than, and thu…Read more
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    This paper seeks to elucidate Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s shared understanding of faith by providing a phenomenology of faith. This is accomplished by applying Nancy’s conception of experience to Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, of which this paper thus offers a phenomenological reading in order to analyse the experience of faith its pseudonymous author relates. In doing so, however, we will discover that faith belongs to a realm of experience that is more fundamental than, and thu…Read more
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    Rationality Revisited: A Critique of Kymlicka and Donaldson's Animal Legal Subjectivity
    Vassar College Journal of Philosophy 2 (1): 3-17. 2015.
    In their 2011 book Zoopolis Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka present their political theory of animal rights. In a recent essay, Animals and the Frontiers of Citizenship, the authors respond to the main criticisms of that theory. They argue that when we think about animal protection, we do so from a presupposed relationship between man and animal: for example, how can we improve animal welfare within the meat industry. When animals take part in our society however, we ought, according to the auth…Read more