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    Modal Logic for Relationships between Sets
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 22 23-38. 2023.
    En este artículo, presentamos un sistema de lógica modal que permite representar relaciones entre conjuntos o clases de individuos definidos por una propiedad específica. Introducimos dos operadores modales, [a] y, que se utilizan respectivamente para expresar "para todo A" y "existe un A". Tanto la sintaxis como la semántica del sistema tienen dos niveles que evitan el anidamiento del operador modal. La semántica se basa en una variante de la semántica de Kripke, en donde los operadores modales…Read more
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    In this article, we present a modal logic system that allows representing relationships between sets or classes of individuals defined by a specific property. We introduce two modal operators, [a] and <a>, which are used respectively to express "for all A" and "there exists an A". Both the syntax and semantics of the system have two levels that avoid the nesting of the modal operator. The semantics is based on a variant of Kripke semantics, where the modal operators are indexed over propositiona…Read more
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    In this work we summarise the concept of bisimulation, widely used both in computational sciences and in modal logic, that characterises modal structures with the same behaviour in terms of accessibility relations. Then, we offer a sketch of categorical interpretation of bisimulation between modal structures, which comprise both the structure and the valuation from a propositional language.
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    An Overview of Type Theories
    Axiomathes 25 (1): 61-77. 2015.
    Pure type systems arise as a generalisation of simply typed lambda calculus. The contemporary development of mathematics has renewed the interest in type theories, as they are not just the object of mere historical research, but have an active role in the development of computational science and core mathematics. It is worth exploring some of them in depth, particularly predicative Martin-Löf’s intuitionistic type theory and impredicative Coquand’s calculus of constructions. The logical and phil…Read more