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    Ser Humano Desalojado
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (40): 57-68. 2012.
    According to the United Nations, human intervention in nature set loose a series of transformations on the Earth’s ecosystems, resulting in a serious disruption of their natural balance. Some of these changes are irreversible and threaten all life on Earth, human life included. On the other hand, the world’s sociopolitical situation also seems to have reached a dead end, with millions of people living in poverty, unemployed, undernourished, and on flight from conflict. The purpose of this paper …Read more
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    A obra de Hannah Arendt tem uma forte presença hegeliana, seja em virtude de convergências temáticas, seja em virtude de divergências fundamentais do ponto de vista metodológico, ontológico e político. Salvaguardadas as diferenças de detalhe no tratamento dessas questões, as convergências temáticas fazem-se notar na distinção entre social e político e no lugar que a singularidade ocupa nas suas teorias políticas. A sua divergência fundamental diz respeito à filosofia da história, à noção de temp…Read more
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    A Eudaimonia no Livro I da Ética a Nicómaco
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (26): 99-127. 2005.
    The concept of eudaimonia put forward by Aristotle in the first Book of his Nicomachean Ethics reflects an attempt to synthesize and clarify a well known concept in the Greek society, in popular as well as in more restricted intellectual circles, giving it a new scope and conceptual consistency. Ordinarily translated as happiness, well-being or prosperity, this concept frequently had a subjective sense, describing the lives of those who lived well or were eudaimon; but it also had an objective s…Read more
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    A Consciência e a Questão da Humanidade do Humano em Das Wesen des Christentums, de Ludwig Feuerbach
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (28): 135-164. 2006.
    Individualism is one of the fundamental traits of our time, based on an emphatic and recurrent defence of individual freedom, as experienced by consciousness. This point of view seems to entail a refuse of all kinds of transcendence, cosmological or onto-theological, characterized by an authoritarian and undisputed heteronomy. However, this perspective does not take into account a third type of transcendence, one that occurs in that radical immanence, in the core of individual freedom and autono…Read more
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    Ser humano desalojado: para uma compreensao da crise "Ecológica"
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 40 57-68. 2012.
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    Conciencia e alteridade em l'être et le néant, de Jean-Paul Sartre
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 43-74. 2009.
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    Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism contains a disquieting and devastating diagnosis about our world. This paper aims to discuss the political- philosophical assumptions underlying the crisis identified by Arendt in her work. It will center its attention on Arendt’s book on Imperialism and her view of the nation- state. An indirect and genetic comprehension path will be drawn, starting with the Arendtian criticism regarding the human rights concept in effect to date, in a kind of prol…Read more
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    Hannah Arendt y la conquista del espacio. Repensar la condición humana
    Bajo Palabra. Rev. Filos 4 (4): 237--245. 2009.
    The point of departure of this reflexion will be a reading of the Kantian analysis of space, as presented in the section entitled Die transzendentafe A.sthetik of the Kritik of reinen Vernunft, focusing on two central aspects: first, the kantian understanding of space as a predisposition of the subject regarding experience, previous to any particular experience; second, the identification of that subjective condition with the human condition. Hannah Arendt, in her article "The Conquest of Space …Read more
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    Consciência e Alteridade em l'Être et le Néant, de Jean-Paul Sartre
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (33): 43-74. 2009.
    This paper intends to give a critical reading of Jean-Paul Sartre’s treatment of inter-consciousness relationship as presented in his work L'être et le néant, namely in the chapter L'existence d'autrui. Our main objective is to understand the treatment Sartre gave the referred issue in that particular work, but also to show that his theoretical standpoint falls short on a true determination of the meaning of the experience of Otherness for consciousness. Our method for approaching Sartre’s views…Read more
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    Can thinking prevent us from evildoing? A matter of conscience
    Trans/Form/Ação 40 (4): 209-236. 2017.
    RESUMO: A presente incapacidade de o ser humano estar em casa no mundo encontrou expressão numa crise “ecológica” que possui elementos éticos, políticos e ontológicos. Partindo de uma breve elaboração do sentido dessa crise “ecológica” e da sua relação com a própria constituição do ser do humano, este artigo procura traçar um percurso, no quadro do pensamento arendtiano, da relação entre o sentido do ser do humano, a questão da banalidade do mal, a atividade de pensar e o surgimento da consciênc…Read more
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    Tempo e conceito: Arendt, leitora de Hegel
    Revista Dialectus 12 374-399. 2018.
    A obra de Hannah Arendt tem uma forte presença hegeliana, seja em virtude de convergências temáticas, seja em virtude de divergências fundamentais do ponto de vista metodológico, ontológico e político. Salvaguardadas as diferenças de detalhe no tratamento dessas questões, as convergências temáticas fazem-se notar na distinção entre social e político e no lugar que a singularidade ocupa nas suas teorias políticas. A sua divergência fundamental diz respeito à filosofia da história, à noção de temp…Read more
  • Política e liberdade: a defesa arendtiana de uma ''œimprobabilidade infinita''
    In Adriana V. Serrão, Carla M. Simões, Elisabete M. De Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate Simões & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.), Poética da Razão: Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, Centro De Filosofia Da Universidade De Lisboa. pp. 883--894. 2013.
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    Individualism is one of the fundamental traits of our time, based on an emphatic and recurrent defence of individual freedom, as experienced by consciousness. This point of view seems to entail a refuse of all kinds of transcendence, cosmological or onto-theological, characterized by an authoritarian and undisputed heteronomy. However, this perspective does not take into account a third type of transcendence, one that occurs in that radical immanence, in the core of individual freedom and autono…Read more
  • Ética e Filosofias da Existência: Pensar no que estamos a fazer
    In BeckertCristina (ed.), Ética - Teoria e Prática, Centro De Filosofia Da Universidade De Lisboa. pp. 227-250. 2012.
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    Youth Movements, Civil Disobedience, and the Skandalon of the Ecological Crisis
    Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3). 2021.
    The ecological crisis is endangering life on Earth as we know it, giving rise to multiple protests, strikes and marches around the world, most of them lead by children and teenagers. The aim of this paper is to argue for the legitimacy of the presence of children and teenagers in political life in the current state of the ecological crisis through a seemingly paradoxical kind of participation: civil disobedience, i.e. refusal to participate. The paper will start by addressing the need to think t…Read more
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    A Eudaimonia no Livro I da Ética a Nicómaco
    Philosophica 26 99--127. 2005.