28Young People Who Meaningfully Improve Are More Likely to Mutually Agree to End TreatmentFrontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.Objective: Symptom improvement is often examined as an indicator of a good outcome of accessing mental health services. However, there is little evidence of whether symptom improvement is associated with other indicators of a good outcome, such as a mutual agreement to end treatment. The aim of this study was to examine whether young people accessing mental health services who meaningfully improved were more likely to mutually agree to end treatment.Methods: Multilevel multinomial regression ana…Read more
18The EU has throughout its history benefited from variable levels of popular support and revealed different levels of capacity to deal with crises. The current circumstances, on account of financial pressures, social instability and present geographical and policy scope of the EU, require serious introspection and ‘soul searching’. What can be done if the EU is not to perish and, hopefully, become more part of the solution than of the problem? May becoming more humane be the answer? ‘Humane’ may …Read more
20The expulsion of large numbers of Roma individuals from France since 2009 has raised considerable debate in the context of EU law and policy. This was, however, accompanied by other discriminatory practices and forms of hostility, exclusion and violence against the Roma, such as finger-printing in Italy and educational segregation in the Czech Republic. A comprehensive approach and strong action by the EU against these practices was defended, which led to the Commission communication on the EU F…Read more
19Portugal’s migration history has been extensively explored in academic literature, including in legal scholarship. Yet, very little attention has so far been directed towards Portuguese refugee law. This may be due to the relatively low number of asylum seekers that Portugal receives, but that does not justify neglecting the study of the Portuguese socio-legal framework applicable to asylum seekers and refugees. This article addresses this gap by analyzing the framework in a European context, en…Read more
14This book chapter analyses the 'horizontal effect of fundamental rights and freedoms' debate in the context of European Union law. It offers an overview of the historical development of this debate in the European Union legal system and analyses the relevant doctrines and case law. This contribution to a two-volume comparative study offered for the first time a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the subject-matter across all legal fields of European Union law.
26Since the beginning of the 2008 economic crisis, reports of child work across Europe have increased. This article looks into the European Union legal framework that applies to children who work, and offers a socio-legal analysis of child work regulation more generally. In so doing, it considers the role of a range of factors relevant to the regulation of child work, including children’s rights, cultural relativism, social constructions of childhood, empirical evidence of the benefits and harm of…Read more
42The debate around private law harmonisation in the EU has gradually moved from a narrow scope of market-related issues to the creation of a European civil code. The relationship between this process and children’s rights is, however, rarely acknowledged. The political, social and legal legitimacy of these harmonisation eff orts have come under strict scrutiny, but hardly ever from the point of view of children. This article explores the impact of the process of legal harmonisation on children’s …Read more
14The book explores, from a comparative and inter-disciplinary perspective, the relationship between fundamental rights and private law in Europe, a debate usually referred to as Drittwirkung or horizontal effect of fundamental rights. It discusses the different models of horizontal effect and the impact that fundamental rights may have in shaping tort law, especially the position of child tortfeasors. The book concentrates on several European jurisdictions, namely France, Italy, Germany, Portugal…Read more
16European Union law has curtailed the traditional discretion Member States have in ordering non-nationals to leave their territory. Although Directive 2004/28 has enhanced the system of protection afforded to offending European Union citizens, it still contains a number of cracks that lead to policy incoherence and gaps in rights protection. This is evident in the first rulings on Article 28 of Directive 2004/38 concerning the deportation of offending EU citizens. These issues also threaten to tr…Read more
29The concepts of 'liability age' and 'capacity responsibility' have been widely dissected by researchers in various fields. However, their application to both criminal and tort liability of children remains inconsistent. Furthermore, rarely has an interdisciplinary approach adequately dealt with these concepts and their impact on legal norms. This text investigates the notion of criminal and tort liability age in connection with the notion of capacity responsibility, in relation to children, and …Read more
19Euthanasia is a practice that has taken place since immemorial times. And since immemorial times it has been controversial and a source of harsh debates. Throughout the last decades, many changes have been introduced in this field and many practices, until then only taking place without public knowledge, were progressively revealed and regulated. This paper aims, firstly, at clarifying the terminology and concepts usually used in the euthanasia debate and presenting, in a lucid way, the argument…Read more
14This book chapter analyses the different treatment of married and unmarried couples in the EU from the perspective of the application of fundamental rights to private law matters - the 'horizontal effect of fundamental rights' debate. This theme is usually discussed exclusively within the context of public or private law, so this work constitutes an original contribution to the debate on the subject-matter. The chapter compares relevant statutory instruments and case-law from nine jurisdictions,…Read more