36Book symposium: Nuno venturinha. Description of situations: An essay in contextualist epistemologyManuscrito 43 (3): 164-258. 2020.This book symposium comprises a précis of Nuno Venturinha’s Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology together with four critical commentaries on different aspects of the book by Marcelo Carvalho, João Vergílio Gallerani Cuter, Marcos Silva and Darlei Dall’Agnol, and the author’s replies.
7Beyond the World, Beyond Significant LanguageIn Volker Munz (ed.), Essays on the philosophy of Wittgenstein, De Gruyter. pp. 387-399. 2010.
10Demystifying Mysticism: Brouwer and WittgensteinIn Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal (eds.), Doubtful Certainties: Language-Games, Forms of Life, Relativism, De Gruyter. pp. 203-212. 2012.
8Wittgenstein’s Debt to SraffaIn Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal (eds.), Forms of Life and Language Games, De Gruyter. pp. 187-196. 2011.
12Wittgenstein and the Natural History of Human BeingsIn Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.), Philosophical Anthropology: Wittgenstein's Perspective, De Gruyter. pp. 91-110. 2010.
14Knowledge, Language and Mind: Wittgenstein's Thought in Progress (edited book)De Gruyter. 2012.This international series publishes outstanding philosophical monographs and edited volumes about Wittgenstein. Publications may focus on his work as a whole or on specific topics. The series also addresses Wittgenstein's life, his sources, and the impact of his works. The volumes are peer-reviewed and present state-of-the-art Wittgenstein research. German-language contributions will be published in the series Über Wittgenstein, and English-language contributions in the series On Wittgenstein.
19Frege contra Kant: Epistemologia e LógicaPrincipia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (1): 31-44. 2023.Este artigo aborda a reação de Frege a Kant e questiona uma influente interpretação, defendida por Jim Conant, de acordo com a qual Frege subscreve os princípios essenciais da filosofia de Kant, nomeadamente a sua conceção antipsicologista avant la lettre da lógica pura. Eu defendo que existem diferenças profundas de ponto de vista entre eles, as quais alimentam o seu bem conhecido desacordo acerca da natureza da aritmética, e que a rejeição de Frege de algumas das premissas fundamentais da epis…Read more
14A von Wright Error and Wittgenstein’s HeracliteanismWittgenstein-Studien 7 (1): 191-200. 2016.In this note I address two issues in Susan Edwards-McKie’s recent paper “The Cosmic Fragment: Härte des Logischen Zwangs und Unendliche Möglichkeit. Nachlass discoveries and Wittgenstein’s conception of generality and the infinite”. The first has to do with a “von Wright error” that Edwards- McKie found and that I show to have been ultimately corrected by von Wright. The second has to do with her interpretation of Wittgenstein’s reaction to Heraclitus’ idea that “everything flows”, one I interpr…Read more
22Caught in the Language-GameTopoi 41 (5): 1043-1055. 2022.In this paper, I first introduce the main motivations for the internalism/externalism dichotomy in epistemology and explore different accounts of epistemic justification, mostly externalist, arising from Dretske’s relevant alternatives theory of knowledge, namely the reliabilism of Goldman and Nozick, the contextualism of Cohen and DeRose, which is governed by fallibilist standards, and Lewis’ version of contextualism, to which infallibilist standards apply. I then argue that Wittgenstein critic…Read more
19Ludwig Wittgenstein: Dictating Philosophy edited by Arthur Gibson and Niamh O'Mahony (Springer, 2020)Philosophy 96 (4): 687-690. 2021.
13Dobradiças, Vertigem Epistémica e MoralidadePhilosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (53): 125-140. 2019.This paper explores central themes of Duncan Pritchard’s epistemology intimately related to the Wittgensteinian idea of a “hinge epistemology”. The first section calls attention to the eminently empirical character of our “hinges”. The second section focuses on Pritchard’s notion of “arational hinge commitments”, more specifically his distinction between the pair “über hinge commitments”/“über hinge propositions” and the pair “personal hinge commitments”/“personal hinge propositions”. The third …Read more
12Replies to CriticsLogos and Episteme 11 (4): 527-542. 2020.This text brings together replies to three commentaries on my Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology (Springer, 2018) written by Modesto Gómez-Alonso, Anna Boncompagni and Marcin Lewiński.
13Context-Sensitive ObjectivismLogos and Episteme 11 (4): 481-494. 2020.This paper outlines the major topics addressed in my book Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology (Springer, 2018), anticipates some possible misunderstandings and discusses issues that warrant further investigation.
21Wittgenstein and the Method of von Wright’s Varieties of GoodnessPhilosophical Investigations 43 (4): 334-345. 2020.Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
12AgrammaticalityIn Gisela Bengtsson, Simo Säätelä & Alois Pichler (eds.), New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature, Springer. pp. 159-175. 2018.In this paper I begin by scrutinizing classic approaches to the question of agrammaticality, with a particular focus on Frege and the early Wittgenstein, and try to show that a further step is needed in order to adequately address this topic. I then focus on the later Wittgenstein’s treatment of nonsense-poems and claim that the failure of the Philosophical Investigations as a book is actually connected with Wittgenstein’s recognition that philosophy should be written under the form of poetry. T…Read more
8Ludwig Wittgenstein é unanimemente reconhecido como um dos pensadores mais marcantes do século xx, tendo influenciado decisivamente o debate filosófico da contemporaneidade. Apoiando-se não nas edições clássicas mas no espólio do autor, problematizando a formalidade sui generis característica daquele, esta obra propõe-se acompanhar o evoluir do pensamento wittgensteiniano, nos seus diferentes planos, determinando a metodologia que o vai definir, enquanto possibilidade concreta de compreensão da …Read more
13Wittgenstein on Forms of Life and the Nature of Experience (edited book)Peter Lang. 2010.To what extent is the form of our life fixed, i.e. is there a form of life or forms of life? How does this bear on the nature of experience? These are two Wittgensteinian questions in need of clarification. Wittgenstein on Forms of Life and the Nature of Experience sheds light on a much exploited but rarely analysed topic in Wittgenstein scholarship while addressing central themes of contemporary philosophy. Bringing together essays from some of the leading scholars in the field, the book concen…Read more
The Correspondence Theory of TruthIn Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology, Springer Verlag. 2018.
Bracketing ModalityIn Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology, Springer Verlag. 2018.
Sobre a Paradoxalidade da Experiência na ‘Última’ Filosofia de WittgensteinCadernos de Filosofia 14 55-67. 2003.
Recensão de Ludwig Wittgenstein e Rudolf Koder, Wittgenstein und die Musik: Briefwechsel (review)Cadernos de Filosofia 13 97-103. 2003.
Recensão de Ludwig Wittgenstein, Denkbewegungen: Tagebücher 1930-1932/ 1936-1937 (review)Cadernos de Filosofia 12 81-90. 2002.
Linguagem e Valor: Entre o Tractatus e as Investigações (edited book)Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 2011.
19Wittgenstein’s Whewell’s Court lectures: Cambridge 1938–1941, from the notes by Yorick Smythies: edited by Volker A. Munz and Bernhard Ritter, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, pp. xxv+366, £83.25 (hb), ISBN: 978-1-119-16633-7 (review)British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2): 423-425. 2020.Volume 28, Issue 2, March 2020, Page 423-425.
23Replies to CommentatorsPhilosophia 48 (5): 1713-1724. 2020.This text consists of replies to commentaries by Michael Williams, Duncan Pritchard and Javier González de Prado on my book Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology.
17Précis of Description of SituationsPhilosophia 48 (5): 1683-1690. 2020.This précis articulates the main themes of my book Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology.
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