•  8
    The development of the single beam gradient force optical trap has made it possible to manipulate cells solely by laser light. A continuous wave Nd:YAG laser beam was directed into a conventional microscope and focused onto the viewing plane by the objective lens. The laser beam power at which human sperm were released from the trap was measured and correlated to the sperm's linear velocity before trapping. The mean trapping power readings for slow, medium, and fast motile sperm were 57, 73, and…Read more
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    Micromanipulation of sperm by a laser generated optical trap
    with Y. Tadir, W. H. Wright, T. Ord, R. H. Asch, and M. W. Berns
    The force generated by the radiation pressure of a low power laser beam induces an optical trap which may be used to manipulate sperm. We studied the effect of the optical trap on sperm motility. A Nd:YAG laser beam was coupled to a conventional microscope and focused into the viewing plane by the objective lens. Sperm were caught in the trap and manipulated by a joy stick controlled motorized stage. After different exposure periods, the velocity and patterns were analysed by a computerized imag…Read more