Oleg Khoma

Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Vinnytsia National Technical University
    Department of Philosophy & Humanities
  • Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv
    Department of The History of Philosophy
    Professor (Part-time)
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    Book Review Alcover, M. (1981). Poulain de la Barre: une aventure philosophique. Paris, Seattle & Tübingen: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature.
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    The modern legacy of contemporary tolerance
    Sententiae 7 (3): 208-229. 2002.
    Commentary on the translation of Revel, J.-F. (1992). Le Regain démocratique. Paris: Fayard.
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    Review of the book Fraisse, G. (1998). Les femmes et leur histoire. Paris: Gallimard.
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    The text fragments that make up Blaise Pascal's “Penséesˮ are traditionally published in different sequences, according to the difference in the conceptual positions of the editors. So, the problem of correlating different editions is very difficult. Translations of “Penséesˮ reflecting several numbering systems are currently available to Ukrainian readers. The author offers two comparative tables for these numberings. In Table 1, the numberings of Louis Lafuma, Jacques Chevalier and Michel Le G…Read more
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    Referential review of the second part of the first chapter of the book "Les femmes et leur histoire" by GenevièveFraisse, dedicated to the issue of gender equality in the philosophy of the 19th century. An overview of the first two paragraphs is provided.
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    The first Ukrainian translation of Elizabeth Badenter's work "Condorcet, Prudhomme, Guyomar... Paroles d’hommes (1790-1793)".
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    Review of Dika, T. (2023). Descartes’s Method. The Formation of the Subject of Science. Oxford: Oxford UP.
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    The paper aims to prove the hypothesis that Sextus Empiricus’ Neo-Pyrrhonism is significantly influenced by the Cartesian meditation as a genre of philosophizing. It refutes theses about (1) the non-predicativity of Sextus’ language and about (2) Sextus’ epochê as an automatic result of the action of opposite things or statements, and it argues that both Sextus and Descartes distinguish between (a) internal (forced) agreement with clarity and (b) the personal acceptance of this agreement which d…Read more
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    Sententiae 41 (2): 94-97. 2022.
    An introduction to the new section "Philosophical Handbooks" from the editor-in-chief of Sententiae.
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    “Discourse on the Method” and “Metaphysical Medita- tions” by René Descartes: Seminar
    with Vakhtang Kebuladze, Taras Kononenko, and Oleksiy Panych
    Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3 124-130. 2019.
    Discourse on the Method” and “Metaphysical Meditations” by René Descartes: Seminar.
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    The paper determines the status of the “Oral History of Philosophy” within the history of philosophy as a discipline. The author formulates his theses as answers to the fundamental questions Serhii Yosypenko asked in 2019. The latter subjected the first attempts to comprehend the then-new concept of “Oral History of Philosophy” to fruitful criticism. It is in response to his criticisms that the former gives now his answers which can be summarized in six points: (1) Oral History of Philosophy is …Read more
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    Oral history of philosophy: written format
    Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4 6-52. 2019.
    Oral history of philosophy: written format.
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    Review of Marion, J.-L.. Questions cartésiennes III: Descartes sous le masque du cartésianisme. Paris: PUF.
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    Review of Jolibert, B. (2020). Descartes en questions: l'urgence d'un retour aux textes. Paris: L'Hrarmattan.
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    Historico-philosophical Research in Independent Ukraine (expert poll)
    with Serhii Yosypenko, Viktor Kozlovskyi, Oleksiy Panych, and Vitali Terletsky
    Sententiae 40 (3). 2021.
    An expert poll of Sententiae.
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    Review of Stetter, J., & Ramond, C... Spinoza in 21st-century American and French philosophy: metaphysics, philosophy of mind, moral and political philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Some terms from Outlines of Pyrrhonism are problematic for Ukrainian translation. The commentary justifies the Ukrainian equivalents for those terms, in particular, "uyavlennia" for phantasia, "pidvplyvnyi stan" for pathos, "pomirnopidvplyvnist" for metriopatheia, "neosiagnennist" for akatalepsia
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    Local Contexts of Global Philosophies
    with Serhii Yosypenko
    Sententiae 39 (2): 6-7. 2020.
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    At the beginning of the second twenty years
    Sententiae 39 (1): 6-7. 2020.
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    Notes to the text of «Monadology»
    with Pavlo Bartusyak
    Sententiae 28 (1): 178-198. 2013.
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    Review of the book Nadler, S. et al (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. Oxford: Oxford UP
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    The author argues that according to Sextus Empiricus, (a) the "sensual" nature of the phenomenon is a metaphorical notion, since it is indistinguishably extended both to sensuality and thinking; (b) the phenomenon manifest itself with irresistible force of impact, through a wide range of passive states of mind; (c) the impact of phenomena is always mediated by our ego, because all skeptic expressions are strongly correlated with the first person singular. The article proves that Descartes could …Read more
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    Pascal’s term esprit de géométrie
    Sententiae 22 (1): 208-210. 2010.
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    Ingenium and deductive method of Descartes
    Sententiae 22 (1): 192-207. 2010.
    The main point for criticizing the Cartesians for Vico is the notion of method, interpreted as exceptionally discursive procedure, devoid of spontaneity and creative force which are necessary for discovering new truths. These qualities are embodied for Vico in the Latin term ingenium, loan translation of which is found in Italian (ingegno) and is absent in French. The criticism of Cartesianisn suggested by Vico does not consider the fundamental bilingualism of this philosophy and wide use of the…Read more
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    Sententiae 28 (1): 5-6. 2013.
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    The first article of the cycle “The role of skeptical evidence in the First and Second ‘Meditations’” compares the Cartesian and Sextus Empiricus’ concepts of doubt in, respectively, “Metaphysical meditations” and “Outlines of Pyrrhonism”. The article starts with the current state of the problem “Descartes and skepticism” and admits the existence of consensus about Cartesian perception of skeptical tradition: Cartesius (1) was influenced by all skeptical movements, known in his time, and (2) cre…Read more
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    Sententiae 30 (1): 5-6. 2014.