Olga Ruptash

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
    Associate Professor
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy, Misc
Areas of Interest
Philosophy, Misc
  •  18
    Methodological Potential of Social Sciences and Humanities
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 67 53-57. 2018.
    I would like to examine three approaches to methodological status of the social sciences and humanities. The specificative approach continues a tradition inherent in philosophy of W. Dilthey, W. Windelband, and H. Rickert, who focused attention on the studying of the specific features of the humanities. The unificative, or unificatory, approach was developed under the influence of positivism. It aims at justifying of the humanities methodology due to working out general scientific standards base…Read more
  •  10
    This article explores the potential resources of the Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism and its core concepts for the development of the philosophy and methodology of the human sciences. Focusing on Bakhtin’s late essays: “The Problem of the Text in Linguistics, Philology, and the Human Sciences;” “From Notes Made in 1970-71;” and “Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences,” the author deals with such concepts as sense, semantic whole, superaddressee, the third, and outsideness. Metalinguistics is …Read more