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    Copular asymmetries in belief reports
    with Yael Sharvit
    Natural Language Semantics 32 (3): 403-430. 2024.
    We argue that copular constructions that relate two referring expressions are based on small clauses with an asymmetrical semantics. The small clauses in question are headed by a relational item that selects for an individual and an individual concept, along the lines proposed by Heycock (Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 57: 209–240, 2012 ). Our analysis allows us to explain the asymmetric properties of these constructions when they occur as complements to _think_…Read more
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    Constraints on Some Other Variables in Syntax
    Natural Language Semantics 8 (3): 173-229. 2000.
    In this paper I assume that syntactic structures contain items that function as variables over possible worlds (or things like possible worlds). I show that in certain syntactic positions we can use some variables but not other. I accordingly motivate a "binding theory" for the items that occupy these positions, and I discuss some consequences of this binding theory