Oskar Gruenwald

Institute for Interdisciplinary Research
  •  45
    Letters to the Editor
    with Lawrence M. Thomas, Robert L. Perea, Howard Stein, Bryan W. Van Norden, Jennifer Uleman, and Leonard D. Katz
    Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 70 (2). 1996.
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    The Arts as Self-Transcendence
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 34 (1-2): 1-10. 2022.
    This editorial highlights the remarkable contributions in this JIS volume that explore the arts as a gateway to the transcendentals of beauty, truth and goodness. It focuses on the recurring notions of order, telos, and creativity reflecting the essential attributes of human nature as imago Dei. Apart from the arts as art therapy, how can the arts connect one to the transcendentals? Can homo musicus aspire to self-transcendence? A shining example of music as self-transcendence is the life and ti…Read more
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    Phenomenology of Communications
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 33 (1-2): 1-18. 2021.
    This essay explores the intersection of communication and culture. It proposes that a new interdisciplinary field of inquiry–a phenomenology of communications–implicates culture in that all communication helps shape and reflects a society’s cultural assumptions and aspirations. In an era of social media and electronic communication, the impact on culture has accelerated. Both positive and negative aspects of social media reverberate in American popular culture that Christopher Lasch described as…Read more
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    Why a Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies?
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1-2): 1-2. 1989.
  • Human Rights in Yugoslavia (edited book)
    with Karen Rosenblum-Čale
    Irvington. 1986.
  •  35
    Letters to the Editor
    with David DeGrazia, Antole Anton, Diana C. Fabiano, Predrag Finci, Igor Primoratz, Heather Johnson, Tibor R. Machan, and Gerald Dworkin
    Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2). 1994.
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    Science and Religion
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 6 (1-2): 1-23. 1994.
    Contemporary natural science is returning to the question of First Principles concerning the origin, nature, and destiny of man and the universe, while the social sciences bracket man and the question of values, and theologians largely concede factual pronouncements about the world to scientists. This essay proposes that man himself is the missing link between science and religion, nature and spirit. And that the main challenge for science and religion today is to find a common, intersubjectivel…Read more
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    The Rainbow Paradigm
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (1-2): 1-2. 1993.
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    Progress in Science
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22 (1-2): 1-31. 2010.
    A new paradigm is emerging which places Charles Darwin's theory of evolution via natural selection into a larger conceptual framework with greater explanatory power. Darwinism needs to be reconceptualized as a scientific enterprise and philosophical worldview. A larger framework is needed to account for the immaterial laws of nature which guide evolutionary mechanisms and processes to achieve predetermined ends that reflect a superlative Intelligence, Mind or God. Curiously, Darwinism fails to e…Read more
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    The University as Quest for Truth
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 23 (1-2): 1-18. 2011.
    This essay proposes that the crisis of the contemporary university presents a unique challenge and opportunity to re-imagine the university as a quest for truth, reflecting John Henry Newman's ideal of a "wholeness of vision" and "enlargement of the mind" in educating the whole person. Higher education can become more meaningful and relevant by combining a strong core curriculum in the liberal arts with vocational and career preparation, interdisciplinary engagement, and consilience between Athe…Read more
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    The Globalization Paradox
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 20 (1-2): 1-20. 2008.
    Globalization offers a comprehensive framework for addressing prospects for the peaceful evolution of people and societies in the Third Millennium, Global markets, trade and communications, along with science and technology, now drive social, economic, and political development, modernization, and cultural change. Globalization thus holds great promise of extending economic prosperity throughout the world. Paradoxically, globalization can also deepen the divisions between rich and poor nations, …Read more
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    Toward an Open Society
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 18 (1-2): 25-56. 2006.
    From the Adriatic to the Baltic, from the Elbe to the Urals and beyond, totalitarianism has collapsed. Yet the 1989 bloodless revolution in Eastem Europe caught most observers by surprise. This essay explores the signal socio-cultural forces which contributed to the sea-change. Throughout Eastem Europe, grassroots movements emerged in the 1970s and 1980s demanding greater participation in social, economic, cultural, and political life. Thus, the rise of a new civic culture and civil society prec…Read more
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    Christianity and Science: Toward a New Episteme of Charity
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1-2): 1-21. 1990.
    Ecumenical dialogue and reconciliation among Christians, the dictates of academic freedom, and the very integrity of science and faith call for a new conceptual framework, episteme or paradigm for understanding the phenomenon of man, including the proper relationship between science and faith. Both science and Scripture suggest a more humane, charitable, and open-ended approach to science and religion. Freedom of inquiry and Christian charity constitute the essential prerequisites for a new epis…Read more
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    Virtue and Markets
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16 (1-2): 1-19. 2004.
    This essay proposes an interdisciplinary framework for teaching markets and morals by exploring the linkages between political economy, civil society, and culture. Free markets in capitalist mixed economies shape, and are shaped by, political institutions of representative democracy, the vibrancy of civil society, and the values, norms, and beliefs embedded in culture. The major challenge for liberal society and free markets is to reconcile individual and group interests with the common good. Th…Read more
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    Philosophy as Creative Discovery
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (1-2): 157-174. 1999.
    At the dawn of the Third Millennium, philosophy is at an important crossroads in its role as paideia—philosophy educating humanity. A major challenge for philosophy today is to mediate the emergmg science-religion dialogue, and enhance understanding of the relationship between science, ethics, and faith. Curiously, the methodological dilemmas and thorny issues of demarcation between science and religion reflect a new awareness regarding metascientific questions posed by science itself. We are at…Read more
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    Belgrade Student Demonstrations, 1996-97
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (1-2): 155-174. 2001.
    Belgrade University student demonstrations, 1996-97, represent a turning point in the emergence of a democratic civic culture and civil society in the former Yugoslavia. Large-scale student demonstrations were triggered by the regimens cancellation of the November 1996 municipal election victories by the united opposition, Zajedno, in more than a dozen cities throughout Serbia, Demonstrating independently of political parties, student demands concerned not only narrow issues of university educat…Read more
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    Renewing the Liberal Arts
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (1-2): 1-24. 2002.
    This essay explores the conceptual foundations of C. S. Lewis' pilgrimage to a Christian worldview and its implications for Christian scholarship in the Third Millennium. C. S. Lewis' essential Christian worldview has three distinct yet complementary strands: The Tao, Natural Law, or the moral sense; the ecumenical inspiration of Mere Christianity; and the quest for truth and authentic values in the real world. These three strands converge in Lewis' own pilgrimage and witness to the immediacy an…Read more
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    The Quest for Transcendence
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1-2): 155-172. 1997.
    The Quest for the Holy Grail is symbolic of man's quest for transcendence. In a postmodern world, this quest is more important than ever, since postmodernity questions the significance of all quests, values, ethics, morality, purpose, personal responsibility, and community, and thus the very essence of what it means to be human. The resulting desert of the soul reflects postmodernity's radical discounting of all human aspirations. Yet the two most basic human passions---the love of freedom and t…Read more
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    The Bridge to Eternity
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1-2): 131-148. 1996.
    This essay considers Medjugorje, a small mountain village in Bosma-Hercegovina, as an icon or a bridge between God and man. The contemporary quest for national roots in the Balkans has led to cultural policies in the Yugoslav successor states which deny all common bonds among the South Slavs, resulting in a Kafkaesque civil war. Drawing on the crisis of liberal democracy and community in the West, the essay explores the prospects for peace in the former Yugoslavia, as reflected in Our Lady of Me…Read more
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    Science-Religion Dialogue
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 7 (1-2): 151-170. 1995.
    The Fifth European Conference on Science and Theology, held in Freising and Munich, Germany, 1994, exemplified the growing worldwide interest in science-religion dialogue. The keys to this dialogue care the emergmg linkages and interfaces among all the sciences, on the one hand, and the enigmatic complexity of questions concerning the origin, nature, and destiny of man and the universe, on the other. Both increasingly address issues of meaning values, and ultimate causes, which lie well beyond t…Read more
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    Cultural Theory, Ethics and Politics
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (1-2): 1-26. 1992.
    Political culture theory enjoyed a revival during the 1980s despite its alleged inability to account for change, values, conflict, and differences within nations. A new school of thought attempts to remedy the shortfalls of Almond and Verba's The Civic Culture. The grid-group cultural theory, propounded by Thompson, Ellis and Wildavsky, proposes a typology of ways of life as the missing link in a cultural-functional analysis of the formation of preferences. This essay assesses cultural theory as…Read more
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    Christian Political Economy
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (1-2): 1-10. 1991.
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    The Promise of Interdisciplinary Studies
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 26 (1-2): 1-28. 2014.
    The thesis of this essay is that interdisdplinary sudies hold special promise in achieving new scientific-technological breakthroughs and mapping more effective socio-economic, political, and cultural modes of interaction enhancing human flourishing. Universities are crucial to this endeavor in their multiple roles of teaching, learning, research, and service, educating youth and adults for meaningful careers, life, and participatory citizenship in a democracy. Higher education is, thus, a major…Read more
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    The Third Revolution
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 24 (1-2): 1-56. 2012.
    This essay explores the intellectual and spiritual ferment in Tito's Yugoslavia focusing on its two major protagonists, Milovan Djilas and Mihajlo Mihajlov, Their quest for an open society and the first freedoms-thought, speech, press, assembly, and association-inspired a phenomenal rebirth ofcivic culture and civil society that toppled commmist rule in the 1989 peaceful revolution which swept across Eastern Europe and shook the Kremlin, This Third Revolution is set in the larger framework recal…Read more
  •  27
    The Dystopian Imagination
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 25 (1-2): 1-38. 2013.
    This essay seeks to exploe the nature and effects of the new Post-Industrial Revolution as epitomized by the digital universe, the fusion of synthetic biology and cybenetics, and the promise of genetics, engendering new hopes of a techno-utopian future of material abundance, new virtual worids, human-like robots, and the ultimate conquest of nature. Central to this prefect is the quest for transcending human limitattons by changing human nature itself, consciously directing evolution toward a po…Read more
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    Culture, Religion and Politics
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 21 (1-2): 1-24. 2009.
    This essay proposes that while a "Christian" democracy may be too idealistic, liberal democracy presupposes transcendent moral and spiritual norms, in particular a Judeo-Christian foundation for human dignity and human rights. A Biblical understanding of human nature as fallible and imperfect susceptible to worldly temptations, emphasizes free choice and personal responsibility, and the imperative to limit the temporal exercise of power by any man or institution. Maritain's concept of integral o…Read more
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    The Teleological Imperative
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 19 (1-2): 1-18. 2007.
    This essay proposes that the human quest for meaning, self-realization, and self-transcendence via the moral "ought" as the proper end, purpose, or goal for man constitutes the teleological imperative. This pan-human quest for universal touchstones for values and truths should thus be the focus of both moral education and cultural renewal. Central to this quest is a re-conceptualization of virtue ethics as radically transcending the social construction of reality. Virtue may he fully understood …Read more
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    The Third Culture
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 (1-2): 139-160. 2005.
    This essay explores a new conceptual paradigm for bridging the gulf separating what C. P. Snow called The Two Cultures--science and the humanities. Central to this rainbow paradigm is a more unified, holistic, and integral understanding of human life in society. A fruitful science-theology dialogue presupposes a much broader context of a revitalized Third Culture which weaves together insights from all the arts and sciences, social sciences and humanities. The essay thus invokes the incarnationa…Read more
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    Why Liberalism Needs God
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (1-2): 1-2. 2003.