• This paper attempts a parallelism, through the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s conception of apractical philosophy, between the thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche and Benedict deSpinoza . Inspired by Nietzsche’s image as a nomadicthinker, Deleuze presents us with a more convincing image of Spinoza: a man who is closer to LIFE.The specific aspect of the Nietzsche-Spinoza relation I want to discuss in what follows is the differencebetween “morality” and “ethics” — it will become clear that with N…Read more
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    Reading or hearing about Theodor Adorno's ideas always results in quibbles. He strikes many as a naïve philosopher because of his reversal of concept and object; some see him as an anarchist because of his relentless critique of rationality; while to others he simply does not make sense, and especially a critique of society based on negative dialectics simply does not make sense to many! These points, however, are precisely some of the key elements of his thought; without a deeper apprehension o…Read more
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    The main thrust of this thesis is the re-exploration of Friedrich Nietzsche's "critique of nihilism" through the lenses of Gilles Deleuze. A Deleuzian reading of Nietzsche is motivated by a post-deconstrnctive style of interpretation, inasmuch as Deleuze goes beyond, or in between, henneneutics and deconstrnction. Deleuze's post-deconstrnctive reading of Nietzsche is, however, only secondary to the main aim of this thesis. The primary thrust of this study is the critique of a way of thinking cha…Read more