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    Legal Philosophy: General Aspects (edited book)
    with Patricia Smith
    Franz Steiner Verlag. 2002.
    What principles explain or justify legal institutions or decisions, thereby transforming coercion to authority? Are there or could there be any such universal principles? Can any philosophical theory account for such principles? How, if at all, do philosophical theories of law and politics apply to particular issues? And finally, what, if any, do such practical applications tell us about general theories and principles? The essays in this volume represent the efforts of an international group of…Read more
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    Assaggi di metaetica due
    Giappichelli. 1998.
    Il volume si propone di sondare, a livelli diversi di profon­dità, alcuni problemiaperti dell’etica e della metaetica, intendendo tali termini in un senso assai lato. ‘Etica’ è infatti usato per riferirsi all’intero dominio del diritto, della politica e della mo­rale; ‘metaetica’ per riferirsi a qualunque discorso che verta sull’etica. Nella prima parte sono analizzati, a livello metaetico, alcuni concetti-chiave in ambito pratico: tra gli altri, quelli di tolleranza, di uguaglianza e di diritti…Read more
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    Some Comments on Toleration
    Ratio Juris 10 (2): 187-192. 1997.
    The review focuses basically on Leader’s paper "Toleration without Liberal Foundations". First, the author makes some semantic remarks about the uses of the word “toleration”; second, he offers some criticisms of Leader’s paper; and, finally, he puts forward the outline of a modest proposal.
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    Derechos Humanos y Minorías: Un Acercamiento Analítico Neoilustrado
    Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 3 (20-21). 1995.
    El ensayo recontruye los diferentes conceptos de derechos humanos y de minorías. Centrándose luego sobre las minorías culturales, analiza las difíciles relaciones entre derechos humanos liberales y derechos culturales positivos.
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    Struttura e dinamica dei sistemi giuridici
    with Riccardo Guastini
    . 1996.
    Il volume raccoglie gli Atti del 1° convegno italo-spagnolo di teoria analitica del diritto, svoltosi a Imperia nei giorni 27-29 aprile del 1995. Con un approccio analitico alla teoria del diritto, sono stati trattati, tra gli altri, i temi seguenti: efficacia e applicabilità delle norme; identificazione del diritto; lacune; metanorme; fonti del diritto; consuetudine; esistenza di norme e sistemi normativi;norme supreme.
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    Aarnio and the problem of legal certainty
    Rechtstheorie 26 (1): 27-44. 1995.
    This paper considers certain aspects of Aarnio’s theory of legal reasoning. Criticism is limited to the notion of legal certainty and to the related notions of the justification and reasonable acceptability of interpretative standpoints.
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    Formas de constitucionalismo: un análisis metateórico
    Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 16 89-112. 2002.
    El ensayo analiza tres tipos de neoconstitucionalismos, teórico, ideológico y metodológico, y sus contrastes con el positivismo jurídico. Se presenta también una apreciación crítica del neoconstitucionalismo.
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    Alchourron, Bulygin and italian legal theory
    Rechtstheorie 28 (3). 1997.
    The essay briefly review the intellectual bonds between Alchourrón and Bulygin and Italian legal thought. Alchourrón and Bulygin’s seminal work is widely read in Italy; and by now is considered essential groundwork by a growing generation of young legal scholars.
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    On Aarnio and Peczenik's "Suum Cuique Tribuere"
    Ratio Juris 11 (2): 180-192. 1998.
    The purpose of Aarnio and Peczenik is very ambitious: on the one hand, providing an explanatory picture of social interaction; on the other hand, offering a comprehensive conception of the best arrangement we can get of the so called Democratic Rule-of-Law State. In the paper, Comanducci first outlines some of the most important aspects of Aarnio and Peczenik work, mainly stressing the conclusions he agrees with, at the three different levels in which the authors’ discourse places itself— namely…Read more