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    Before explaining what we understand by the philosophy of touching in the thought of Jacques Derrida, it is perhaps necessary to say that Derrida's thought presents at its core one of the last great philosophies of the animal, namely, of non‐human life. Our thesis is that there can be no question that Derridean deconstruction is a philosophy that concerns the animal, that is, it is a thought that not only reflects on the animal, but which more originally is reflected in it. the pharmacological r…Read more
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    Book Symposium on Gary Steiner's Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.
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    with Matthew Chrulew and Brett Buchanan
    Substance 43 (2): 115-123. 2014.
    We begin to glimpse what the concept of zoopolitics means in Derrida, namely the place of an analysis and an interpretation of our political modernity in its links with the animality of the human and that of the animal, or more precisely still in its links with the proper of the human [le propre de l’homme] as it thinks of itself as a political and rational animal, in opposition to the animal that would be neither political nor rational. It must, however, be noted right away that despite what mi…Read more
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    Comment ne pas manger l'autre
    Rue Descartes 82 (3): 82-85. 2014.
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    Le jour du Grand Pardon, présence du blanc, mon taleth immaculé, le seul taleth vierge de la famille,Comme les plumes des coqs et poules que Haim Aimé veut blanches pour le sacrifice d’avant Kippour,Le rabbin les égorge dans le jardin après les avoir tâtées sous l’aile en tenant le couteau entre les dents,puis passées au-dessus de nos têtes en prononçant nos noms, inoubliables bêtes blanches ensanglantées...